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Geographic Navigation

The Geographic Navigation Addon is a FREE Addon that allows the listings on your site to be "filtered" by Country and State/Province. That is the default setting in our demo. However, you can also setup unlimited sub-region levels if you like. What this means is that you can continue to use the default Countries and States/Provinces that are set up by default "and" enter your own cities for a 3rd level and continue on to enter a 4th and even more region levels, if you like. Or, you can choose not to use Countries and States/Provinces at all and instead use your own custom top-level regions and sub regions.

To use this addon, you would place the addon's tag somewhere in the template for the page you want to display the geographic navigation on. Then it will show the geographic navigation, where the user would first select the top level region1), then optionally the sub region, then sub-sub-region, etc. to filter by. The user does not have to filter by sub region, if they only select the top level region it will only display listings from that main region.

If the site only has 1 main region configured, that region will automatically be selected and it will start out displaying the sub-regions of that main region within the Geographic Navigation's main navigation links. Note that this does not apply for searches, since pre-selecting the top level region (even when there is just 1 top level region), would "leave out" any listing that has no region at all selected. The search page is meant to start out without any criteria pre-selected at all if there are no active filters or not doing a category search.

See the screenshots on the settings page for examples of what the "Geographic Navigation" looks like, and further details on the optional mixing of unlimited sub-region levels with built in countries and state/provinces.

optionally can be one of the built in countries
addons/geographic_navigation/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)