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Pre-Load Remote Images

The slowest part of bulk uploading listings into the system are getting the images included within the software. With large bulk uploads you can choose the "better quality" and "faster" image configurations within the bulk upload process and choosing the "faster" option can push "image upload" to the first time those listings are pulled on the client side. But this can cause page delays the first time those listings are viewed or browsed in a category. Also with many many bulk uploads the same image is used across multiple listings uploaded into the system and repetitively retrieving the same image over and over is a waste of time and bandwidth. With all those issues getting bulk upload referenced images into the Geo system we've created a image pre-load or image tokenizer process separate from the listing bulk upload process.

The pre-load image or image tokenizer allows you to pre-load images into the system first which allows the listing bulk upload process to be much less painful and much quicker. To use this feature you would upload the file with the images referenced in it through this tool. The tool would scan the file for viable image urls For every one it finds it would load the remote files locally within your installation and then create a token reference to that image within the database. Every time an image is referenced within a bulk upload it's url will be compared to tokenized images already within the system. If a match is found the local image is used instead. If tokenized image is found the system does not need to go get that image from it's source. It's already in the local system. This make bulk uploads much faster if you can pre-load images within a bulk uploader.

The file you upload through this tool can be the actual file you are using to bulk upload images or if you have a separate file of just the images included in a bulk upload that would be best…but not necessary. Note if the image urls are not full image urls the tokenize will reject them and NOT tokenize them.

addons/bulk_uploader/image_preloading.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/10 22:23 by geojames