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Category Specific Questions

Highlights to this feature:

Types of Category Questions Available in the Software

Where are the Category Administration Tools in the Software

This is a "category attached feature" so it will be edited in the following admin tool:

CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES > [MANAGE] (next to category to affect) > [QUESTIONS] (in the next popup)

Just navigate to the category you wish to add/edit a category question and click the "manage" button next to the category as seen in this screenshot:

You'll then see a popup like you see here. You will need to click the "questions" button you see there:

That will lead you to the admin tool page for the category questions for that category. Depending on the questions already attached to that category you could see an admin tool empty of questions:

Or like our default autos category several like here:

To learn more about the types of category specific questions available, inserting a new category specific question, editing a current category specific question or where to display within the listing details page look to other pages in this section

Things To Keep in Mind When Creating Your Category Specific Questions