Table of Contents


This page holds the main settings for the Geographic Navigation Addon.

<tip c w>Note: Geographic regions are part of the main software, and are used by payment gateways to process payments, and are also used to calculate taxes. This addon provides various ways to display and filter by the regions that otherwise already exist.</tip>

In order to use the Geographic Navigation Addon, you must insert the appropriate addon tag into your template where you want the filter selection to be displayed (the "navigation" addon tag is included in the front page template by default).

These settings change how the geographic navigation will be displayed.

Combine with Category Breadcrumb

If this option is turned on, where it displays the category breadcrumb, it will prepend the breadcrumb with the currently selected Geographic Navigation location.

Show in Module Search Box 1

If this option is turned on, it will display category navigation dropdowns in the search box 1 module. The dropdowns will have the currently selected navigation location pre-selected, something that is not always done in other areas.

Show listing's region in Title Module

If this option is enabled, on the listing details page, it will add the listing's geographic location to the title module output.

Show current selected region in Title Module

If this option is enabled, and the user is currently viewing listings for a specific geographic navigation location, it will display the current selection in the title module similar to how the category being browsed is displayed in the title module.

Allow Legacy (Geographic Navigation 4.x) URLs

If enabled, non-SEO-rewritten URLs in the old (pre-GeoCore) style will be 301 redirected to their corresponding locations in the new region system. This is primarily useful for sites with links to old region pages indexed on search engines who want to preserve those indexes to the new URLs. For sites that did not upgrade from pre-GeoCore, this setting has no useful effect.

Number of Columns

This is the number of columns that will be used when displaying all the region or sub region choices. The default value is 2 columns.

Show Listing Counts

The number of classifieds or auctions found in a region can be displayed beside the region when browsing geographic navigation regions, according to the setting set here.


Parameter added in version 6.0.7

This is a parameter that can be added to the navigation tag in your templates. When the Show Listing Counts is set to display listing counts, and this is added to the navigation tag, when the user is browsing a specific category the counts will reflect only listings in that category.

Example tag with parameter added:

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='navigation' use_cat_counts=1}

Without this parameter added, the listing counts will be for listings in the specific region in all categories.

Show Sub-Regions

Similar to how category navigation can display sub-categories, you can elect to show one sub-region level below the current geographic navigation regions.

Automatically assign visitors' regions based on their IPs

This will read a new visitor's IP address and then attempt to automatically assign him to the correct country based on his physical location.

Using this feature requires that you register for a free API key with

Template Tags

This section lists the different template tags that must be placed in certain templates, in order to display certain things pertaining to the Geographic Navigation addon.

It will list 7 different tags within your Geographic Navigation addon admin tool. These tags are used within your design to place that specific functionality at that spot in the design. You can use the "insert tag" feature of the source code editor within the Design > Manager admin tool to place the proper tag where you have selected within the source code editor.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='navigation'} is the tag that shows all the regions in a selectable menu currently like on the front page of our default design on our site.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='navigation_top'} is duplicate of the navigation tag above but always starts out at the top level region.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='change_region_link'} is a tag that is used to display the "change location" link.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='listing_regions'} is a tag that is used in the listing details template to show the region of that particular listing.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='breadcrumb'} is the tag that can be used to show the trail of currently selected geographic location.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='current_region'} is a tag that is used to display the current region selected.

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='geographic_navigation' tag='insert_head'} Use this tag, then use the CSS class geographic_navigation_changeLink on any HTML element, to turn it into a "Change Region" link! This is useful on sites that want to have a "change region" link like generated by the "change_region_link" tag but wish to make custom styling for it.