Downloads, Documentation, and Other Resources

This page includes links to software downloads, documentation and discussion forums.



18.02.0 Patch - Download 18.02.0 Unlicense patch

Use for: 18.02.0 released by the old company. Not needed for the new open source version. (This was made with permission from one of the previous owners, see about)
  1. Download and unzip the patch file
  2. Before you upload any of these, if you already have the .unenc version of the files (not common), rename them so you have a backup of the old file.
  3. Upload products.unenc.php to classes/php5_classes/ folder
  4. Upload DataAccess.class.unenc.php to classes/php5_classes/ folder
  5. Ignore updateFactory.unenc.php! Unless you are trying to update to the last GeoCore version licensed under the old company 18.02.0, in which case, upload it to upgrades/ folder
20.0.0 - Full Release - Community Edition:

Extra Template Sets for 20.0.0:

Source Code: see the Github Repo