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Below are some basic guidelines we try to follow for this WIKI so that we can have a level of consistency. We will be creating/updating these guidelines as needed. 1)

Use of Folders & Pages

In this WIKI, there are folders, and there are pages inside those folders. There is a special page that should exist in every folder, with the index of "start". This special start page is not displayed in the menu on the left2), but the contents of that start page will display when you click on the folder that the start page is in. For instance, if you were to click on Admin Menu folder which has an index of admin_menu, it would actually display the page admin_menu/start.

Empty Folder Page

Some folders only contain the start page. Such folders display in the left menu as a click-able empty folder, a folder without any sub-pages3).

The index for empty folder pages will always end in /start. For instance, a page with the index of server_issues would be a normal page, while a page with an index of server_issues/start would be an empty folder page.

You will need to use an empty folder page for any page in the Admin Menu section. Outside of that section, you would use an empty folder page for any page that has a high likelihood that it will need to contain sub-pages in the future.

Changing, or more accurately, moving, from an empty folder page to a normal page or visa versa, is not easy. This is especially true for a page that contains media in it such as screen shots or the like. For this reason, it is important to make sure when you create a new page, to decide carefully whether it should be a normal page or an empty folder page.

Admin Menu Sub-Pages

All pages in the Admin Menu section must be Empty Folder Pages. In other words, there can not be any pages with an index that ends in something besides /start, for any pages in this section. There are 2 main reasons for this:

  • With adding new functionality and features, new "hidden sub-pages" are added regularly. It is much easier to start out a page as an Empty Folder Page

When you should use such "empty folders" instead of a normal page

Each folder can have a page inside that folder, that is displayed when the folder itself is viewed. Such a page will always end in /start since it designates the "start page" for a folder.

When a page ends in /start, that designates the page as the "start page" for a folder. Such pages will use a folder icon in the WIKI menu on the left side of the WIKI.

There are also normal pages, that do not end in /start such as the page you are currently viewing. These pages use a normal page icon in the left side WIKI menu, and will not be able to have sub-pages added that are "under" that page.

In other words, when you click on "sub_folder", it displays the page "sub_folder/start". When creating a new page, use these guidelines for whether it should be created as a folder start page, or just as a normal page.

  • Sub-Folder of Admin Menu - Always end in /start - In order to allow additional sub-pages to be added easily as new functionality is created, all pages in the Admin Menu section must end in /start. It is also required so that the automatic links from the admin panel link to the correct page in the WIKI.
  • Page is a folder - It must end in /start if it is the page that displays when you click on a folder with sub-pages in it.
  • It is likely that the page may have sub-pages added in the future - It can be tricky to convert a


For any Acronym, the case matters! Use the proper case for the acronymn, usually this will be all uppercase4). This WIKI will recognize common acronyms and add a hover that tells what the acronym means, for example the acronym WYSIWYG. If improper case is used, the WIKI will not recognize it and will not show what it stands for, for instance if you used wysiwyg5) instead of WYSIWYG.

A few common Acronyms that are recognized by the WIKI: URL, WYSIWYG, WAMP, PHP, IP, plus a ton others. If you find that an acronym is not recognized by the WIKI and you have used the proper case, let us know and we can add it.

Or in this case, creating guidelines to begin with… We'll be working to create the guidelines soon.
You will not see any pages labeled "start" in the menu
Except for the start page
But not always, for example MySQL it is common to have all uppercase except for the y.
NOTE: We break the acronym guideline here on purpose to illustrate the point of why the case matters on acronyms.
wiki/guidelines.1272482714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)