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Switching to the New (4.0) My Account Home Page

As of version 4.0.0RC11, the My Account Home page (formerly the User Management Home Page) has been completely re-done. Clean installs of RC11 and later will use the new page by default, but those upgrading from older versions will need to manually switch over, if they desire to do so.

This page of the manual will attempt to elucidate on the new functions and explain how to go about switching to the new My Account Home page.

Before beginning, one thing to mention for those upgrading to RC11 from previous versions: during the upgrade process, you will be asked to assign a template to the new My Account Page, but at that point in the process, the new module and template mentioned below have not yet been created by the upgrade script. Simply assign any other template to that page and continue with the upgrade, then follow these instructions to enable the new features. (This is may change in a future version of the upgrade)


There are three elements to the new My Account page, all added by the upgrade to RC11:

  • A new module (!MY_ACCOUNT_LINKS!)
  • A new template (Basic Page Template with My Account Links)
  • A new page (My Account Page)

In short, instructions for using the new features are:

  • Switch the My Account Home Type setting to "My Account Page"
  • Add the (!MY_ACCOUNT_LINKS!) tag to a template, or use the new template provided during the upgrade.
  • Attach that template to the My Account Home page, and any other pages you'd like it to appear on.

If that doesn't make sense quite yet, keep reading.

My Account Links

This is a module that contains, in list format, all the links from the old User Management Home Page. It can be embedded on any page, but is intended for use primarily on the pages it links to (pages dealing with a user's account). It has a few special features:

The "current page" will be highlighted with a grey background (by default), so if a user is on the My Active Listings page, for instance, the link to that page in the My Account module will be highlighted.

Any item in the list can signal that it "needs attention." For instance, if the account balance is negative, the Add to Account Balance link tells the system it needs attention, and gets colored red (by default). The same happens to the Messages link when a user has unread messages, and the Resume Listing link if the user stops in the middle of a Cart process.

Design Information (advanced):

Design elements of the module, particularly the 'current page' and 'needs attention' highlights I mentioned above, can be controlled by a dedicated CSS file found at geo_templates/[your_template_set]/external/css/module/my_account_links.css. Similarly, the SMARTY template that controls the layout may be found at geo_templates/[your_template_set]/module/my_account_links.tpl. Text shown in the module can be edited in the Admin at Page Modules > Misc. Display > My Account Links Module.

Developer Information (advanced):

The module has hooks for Order Items, Payment Gateways, and Addons to easily add more links. Check the default "subscription" Order Item, "account balance" Payment Gateway, and "signs and flyers" Addon for implementation examples.

<tip c n>Note: This module will not appear if the user is not logged in. For that reason, we recommend using it only on pages directly related to user account management, where the user must be logged in to be, anyway. If you choose to use this module elsewhere, you'll probably want to do so in the context of an HTML Logged In/Out module, so that you can show something to logged out users in that space</tip>

All sites will receive this additional template when upgrading to RC11, including Basic-level sites, which are unable to add their own templates. This template is a copy of the default BASIC PAGE TEMPLATE - 1, but (!LOGGED_IN_OUT_HTML_5!) has been replaced with (!MY_ACCOUNT_LINKS!).

My Account Home Page

This page presents a number of informative statistics to the user, in place of the old "User Management Home Page," which had the links to account management pages now present in the (!MY_ACCOUNT_LINKS!) module. Note that while those links are not present in the new My Account Home page, it is designed to go hand-in-hand with the new module, which provides all the old functionality plus some.

There is a switch in the Admin that selects between the old and new pages. It may be found at Site Setup > Browsing Settings > Miscellaneous Settings > My Account Home Type. Based on that switch, the "mainbody" for either the old or new page will be used.

Layout of the page is controlled by the SMARTY template file at geo_templates/[your_template_set]/system/user_management/home/my_account_home.tpl and the CSS file at geo_templates/[your_template_set]/external/css/user_management/my_account_home.css. Text shown may be edited in the Admin at Pages Management > User Management > My Account Home Page.

DEVELOPERS: The page has hooks for Addons to easily add more stat boxes. Check the default "storefront" Addon for implementation examples.

tutorials/switch_to_my_account_home/start.1240584038.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)