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My Current Listings

This page lists all of the clients listings they have currently live within the system. From here the client can link to the listing details page for any of their currently live listings.

Highlights of the My Current Listings feature:

  • Shows all currently live listings for the user logged in
  • Allows the user to click to view their listings
  • Allows the user to edit their classified ad details
  • Allows the user to edit the category their classified ad or auction is attached to if there are no category specific pricing plans within their attached price plan
  • Allows the user to edit the images attached to their listing up to the image limit for that specific classified ad or auction
  • Under specific circumstances allowed by the admin the ability to edit their auction
  • Allows the user to mark their classified as sold. This displays the "sold icon" next that classified ad in the category browsing feature and within the classified ad details page
  • If allowed the user can delete their currently live classified within this admin tool
  • If allowed the user can delete their currently live auction within this admin tool
  • Displays the current bid for any current auction
  • Allows the user to upgrade any of their current auctions or classifieds as long as they are within the upgrade window for that auction or classified
  • Allows the user to renew their classified ad as long as if falls within the renew window around the end date for the classified ad
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to like their auction or classified within their facebook page from this admin tool
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to create a Craigslist listing using their auction or classified details from this admin tool
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to share their auction or classified through their twitter feed from this admin tool
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to share their auction or classified within their linked in account from this admin tool
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to share their auction or classified within their myspace page from this admin tool
  • If the sharing addon is enabled allows the user to share their auction or classified within through Reddit from this admin tool
  • Includes pagination to link to separate pages of results
  • Includes a search tool to search currently live listings using a specific search term

Below is a list of the links and columns for each live auction or classified ad available to the client in this admin tool.


If you as the admin have filled in the following in the admin tool this column will appear as an option for a classified type listings.


With the above configured correctly and the current listing is a classified listing the client will be able to turn on/off the sold sign that you have configured above. The sold sign will appear next to the title of their listing where ever it appears.

You can remove the ability of the seller to mark a classified ad by emptying the above "sold icon url" field.


This shows the number of times that a specific auction or classified ad address has been forwarded by a visitor using the "notify a friend" feature on the listing details page.


This gives the client the number of times that someone has contacted the seller using the "contact seller" feature through that specific auction or classified ad.


This gives the client the number of times a listings details have been viewed by someone browsing the site. This statistic doesn't have any code attached to it stopping abuse of this statistic. Anyone can "refresh" the listing details page to increase this count.


This link if available allows the client the ability to renew their listing. Once clicked the client will be put into the renewal process for that specific listing. For classifieds once the renewal process is complete the additional time purchased will be added onto the current expiration time for that listing (if the listing is currently live).

Auctions cannot be renewed until they have expired and all bidding stopped for that auction.

Whether or not this link appears for a classified is controlled by the admin using the following control in the admin tool:


As long as the expiration of the listing falls in the period set by the above admin tool setting this link will appear available for a specific listing.


This is a link provided so that the owner/seller of a listing can change the details of a listing. This link will appear for the life of a classified listing. This link will appear for auctions only if the conditions set by the following admin tool are met:



This link allows the client to remove their currently live listing from the system. This setting will "archive" the listing within the system. The client will also be asked for a "reason for removal" from the system once clicked.

startup_tutorial_and_checklist/usability_configuration/client_side_user_management/my_current_listings.1378270981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)