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how_this_software_works:how_cart_system_works:start [2009/03/06 21:20]
how_this_software_works:how_cart_system_works:start [2014/09/25 16:55]
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-====== Listing Cart ====== 
-Here we will try to explain the benefits and intricacies of the new "cart" system feature introduced in version 4.0 of our software. 
-===== Multiple Item Placement, Only Pay Once ===== 
-The cart now allows clients to your site to place multiple items in the cart at once while only needing to go through the payment process once.  The type of items in the cart do not matter((With the exception of adding funds to account balance)).  The client could place a new classified ad, new auction, an existing auction renewal, extend their storefront subscription, all within the same cart and only need to go through the payment process once.  This can possibly save the site plenty in the transaction charges. 
-===== The Cart Keeps Track of Sessions ===== 
-The cart will now keep track of a clients attempt at placing/renewing/editing a listing.  This means that if a client starts to place a classified through the cart and abandons that attempt before completing that "session" is still kept in the system, until the user's cart "expires"((A cart will expire after a week of inactivity by default, the time before a cart expires can be changed in the admin at [[admin_menu/listing_setup/general_settings#User Cart Expiration|Listing Setup > General Settings > User Cart Expiration]].  So the next time they return to the site, they will be able to resume placing the listing from where they left off.  They can either discard the previous attempt or complete that process. 
how_this_software_works/how_cart_system_works/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)