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Sponsored Features

Any client can sponsor a new feature, by paying the "development cost" of that feature, and we would add the feature to the software or create a new addon to add the feature. Note that we will still only add features that benefit the software as a whole, for instance we aren't going to add built-in forums since it does not relate to classifieds or auctions. But we may add a bridge to an outside forum software to allow users to be shared!

When you sponsor a feature, you are paying us to add a new feature to the software that might not have been added otherwise for a much longer time, or perhaps not added at all. Sponsored features get top priority. Once the feature is complete, we will make a beta version of the software available to you so that you can start using the new feature right away. You would also have the option of just waiting for the next feature release to come out if you did not want to use a beta version and you didn't need the feature right away.

But note that sponsoring a feature is not obligatory for a feature to get added, it is merely an option you have if you wish to take advantage of it to ensure a feature you want gets added right away. See the next section to read about how we decide on what features to add when they are not sponsored.

How we Add Features

There are a few different factors that go into the decision of what features we will add next:

  • Demand for the feature1)
  • Feature offered by competitor or popular website 2)
  • Features that keep our software at the top of the industry. There may be zero "demand" for a feature simply because no one has "thought of it yet". These are the types of features we add that continue to put our software at the top of the industry; the features that help to define us as the guys to "catch up to".

The above factors are balanced against the amount of development time the feature will take to add. If a feature does not have much demand, but would be a "quick change" to add the feature in a way that adheres to our high development standards, we may go ahead and add it even if there is another feature that has "more demand" but might take 10 times more work to add. In other words, the demand for a feature, along with the other factors mentioned above, has to be able to justify the amount of development time it is going to take to add the feature.

If you are interested in sponsoring a feature, just send us an e-mail to [email protected] that explains exactly what you want to have added. It helps if you make the title something like "quote request for …" so that we can easily identify the quote request. We will also use e-mail records for reference later, for that reason we typically will need you to e-mail us the request rather than requesting through chat.

The quote process is a multi-step process, below is the general steps a quote request will go through:

  1. First, you send in the request to [email protected] with exactly what you would like to do. <
  2. Follow-up questions: Sometimes we will need to ask questions about exactly what you need. We want to make sure we understand exactly what you want to have added. Or we may think of a different way to accomplish what you need that might make it work for more situations than just yours, in which case we'll check with you to make sure that would work. <
  3. Once we have a clear understanding of what you want to have added, if we already have a quote for that feature or a similar one we'll send the quote directly. If it requires a new quote to be generated however, we will tell you the rough "project size" before generating the quote, along with a very rough idea of what the cost might be. There are 3 main "project sizes" listed below:

^ Project Size ^ Ballpark development time ^ Ballpark Cost ^

Small Project Less than a day $100-$500
Medium Project Less than a week $500-$1,000
Large Project More than a week $1,000 and up

NOTE: At this stage, the project size is not guaranteed, it is just a way to give you an idea of the size and make sure you are interested before we invest time to generate a quote, the final quoted price may end up being much larger. <

  1. When you verify that you are still interested after we give you the rough project size ballpark, we will create an accurate price quote. In order to be as accurate as possible, this process can take a lot of time to generate. While we do not charge for price quotes, and you are under no obligation to accept the quote we give you, we ask that you only request a quote if you are interested in sponsoring the feature3), since it does take significant amount of time away from the developer(s) to generate each accurate quote. <
  2. To generate the most accurate price quote possible, we typically follow these steps:
    1. We first add the feature inside Bugzilla, what we use for issue / feature tracking.<
    2. Then we create a "task list" and try to calculate every technical "task" that is required to add the feature, and we will usually post that task list in the Bugzilla bug entry for the feature.<
    3. Once we have the task list, we will calculate how much time each task will take, add it up, and that is the quote. The cost is usually $100 per estimated hour of development work. <
    4. Features that have been quoted this way, we will record the "estimated time" in the Bugzilla bug for reference later, so that if you do not accept the quote, we have a pre-made quote if anyone else requests the feature later. <


Because of the process explained above, we are usually very accurate with the estimate, so once we quote adding a feature the price stands even if the "actual" time goes under or over. In order to get such an accurate quote, it takes a significant amount of our time to generate.

Also be aware that depending on how complicated the feature is, the more time it would take to add the feature, the more the feature is going to cost. The more complex the feature is, the longer it might take to generate the quote for that feature.

Development Cost VS. Retail Cost

One common misunderstanding when it comes to having a feature added, is the development cost for adding the feature. The most common reply we get when people are surprised that a feature will cost so much, is "That is more than I paid for the software!". So just be aware, when you sponsor a feature, the cost is based on the "development cost" for the feature not the "retail cost".

By sponsoring a feature, you are helping to cover the development cost, meaning the amount of time a Geodesic developer has to spend working on adding that feature that they might otherwise be spending on something else.

How many clients ask for the feature, and how many "votes" a feature gets inside Bugzilla.
If a competing classifieds or auctions software has beat us to the punch for adding a particular feature, that will carry a lot of weight as we want our clients to have all the tools they need to stay competitive themselves.
That is why we give the "rough estimate / project size" before proceeding to the full price quote. We simply would not get any work done if we drew up a full price quote for every person that was "just curious" and had no real intention to sponsor the feature.
developers/bugzilla/sponsored.1351097225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)