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Geographic Setup

Admin menu category for setting up main regions (aka countries) and sub-regions (aka states if in U.S.)

This software offers you the ability to set up geographical regions specific to your target market. Once set up, these regions will show up as Pre-Valued Dropdown choices for your visitors to select from during the Registration Process, as well as, when they place and manage their listings.

The States / Provinces and Countries forms also give you the ability to specify a tax that will be assessed specifically for registrants located in a particular region. You may enter either a percentage, or a flat tax for each region.

<tip c n>The "States / Provinces" and "Countries" fields are two independent fields. They have no relationship to each other. In other words, if a visitor selects a Country from the dropdown, the States / Provinces field will NOT automatically populate with the selected Country's states or provinces.</tip>

admin_menu/geographic_setup/start.1226942462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/25 16:55 (external edit)