Table of Contents

Edit This Manual!

This section of the manual deals with this user manual itself. The user manual is created using WIKI software, called DokuWiki. If you are not familiar with what a WIKI is, you can find more info about them on the popular Wikipedia website, which itself is a "free encyclopedia WIKI" where every article in it can be written or modified by anyone.

Work Needed

Here is a short todo list of things that need doing in the wiki. If you have time, consider volunteering some of it! The below can be done by anyone, you just need to request a wiki account.

Edit this Manual?!?

Right now we have closed public registrations. If you would like to volunteer to help improve the wiki, email the website maintainer.

The Community Maintains this User Manual

I want to make it clear, that the majority of material found in this user manual is original content created by Geo. Well, that used to be the case. Now that unfortunately, Geodesic Solutions has gone out of business, it falls on the community to keep the wiki updated.

How Changes/Edits are Handled

In order to preserve integrity, editing a page in the user manual requires contacting the site maintainer to register a wiki user.

By using this user manual wiki, and by submitting edits to this wiki, you agree that:

Edit Abuse

Note that in order to preserve the integrity of the user manual's contents, we are notified the instant any changes are made to the user manual, and we will be reviewing the changes. The primary reason for this is to catch any accidental wrong or out-dated information posted in the user manual, but it has the added bonus of meaning if anyone posts malicious content for any reason, it will get noticed and taken care of right away.

If you abuse the edit button's powers in any way, we will be very sad :-( We'll also undo any malicious edits, and delete your Wiki account or possibly other actions as the situation warrants.

If you find a page you believe was a victim of edit abuse that we may have missed, feel free to let us know by sending an e-mail to the site maintainer.

See Also