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SEO Addon Category Specific Url

If you choose to enable the SEO addon that allows you to rewrite the urls used by the software to a more "human readable" form that can also be more "search relevant" to the contents of the page. The SEO addon rewritten URL's for categories on the client will include the category name by default. But while you may want to name a category something short and succinct you may want to be more elaborate within the url of that category. You can with this feature. You have the ability to allow the straight category name to be used in the SEO url or you can be more elaborate or descriptive in select for or all categories.

Where Do You Manage the Category Specific SEO value?

Look within the following admin tool for each category:

CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES > EDIT (next to each category) > SEO URL Contents

as shown in the following screenshot:

Clicking "edit" next to any category brings up the following admin tool:

Within that screenshot you'll see the category name as given and displayed within any category navigation on the client side. There are a few other places at random. Within that screenshot you'll also see "SEO URL Contents" box where you can override the default category name by entering directly there what you want to display in the url. You'll see the change we inserted above in the url on the client side like this:

Things to know when managing this feature: