Group Splash Page Within Place a Listing Process

Another optional Splash Page that you can implement is one that is displayed just prior to a user placing a listing. If used, every member of the User Group will be shown that User Group’s specific Listing Splash Page html each time they go to place a listing on your site. This could be used to remind users within this group of special promotions they can take advantage of or as a means for you to communicate with users within that specific group. Again, the possible uses for this page are limitless. You may want to use this page a 'sponsor' opportunity to advertise for one of your sponsors. Or, you can use the page to remind the users of this User Group what their pricing scheme is for listing items on your site.

Simply enter the html that you want to display in the body html area for that particular User Group.

If no text or html exists within the text area for this Splash Page, then users within that group will be sent directly to the Listing process without seeing Splash Page content.

<tip c w>WARNING: If your clients see an "empty" mainbody with only a "continue listing" button after a client has started to place a listing this means the system detects content within the "place a listing splash content" for that specific user group. Even if you do not "see" anything within that textarea box there could still be "hidden" carriage returns, empty spaces or line feeds that the system detects to be there. If there is any content detected at all in the place a listing splash page textarea(even is not apparently there like hidden text control characters) that place a listing splash page will be displayed immediately after the place a listing process has started. You should only need to select all content in that textarea using your mouse and delete it to make that empty page disappear or enter any content you wish if you want content to display there.</tip>