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9) Price Plans

The price plan is a way to charge on your site. Any fee that can be charged to a user is setup within a price plan. The price plan is attached to a user group within the software. And anyone in that user group will see the charges set within the price plan attached to it. You can create a price plan for each user group. You can attach the same price plan to more than one user group. You can attach a price plan to all user groups. Or to no user group but know that the pricing in that unattached price plan will have no effect on pricing within the site.

Highlights of this feature:

While there is no client side indication of what user group a user is in they do see the effects of the price plan they are in.

There are two types of price plans available in the software

Fee Based

This type of charging is focused on charging fees per listing. Along with setting all fees on a site wide basis these types of price plans also allow the same fees to be set on a category by category basis.

See fee based subsection for more details

Subscription Based

This allows you to charge clients per time increment to place a bulk fixed amount of listings at one time. This feature can also be used to control access to the listing details of a site.

See subscription price plan subsection for more detail

Where is the Admin Tool For Price Plans?

You can easily find the admin tool for price plan in the PRICING section of the admin tool. When you go to price plans home you'll see each price plan in the system listed. That admin tool is here:


Here is a screenshot of how that admin tool looks with more than one price plan within it:

Within that screenshot you see:

  1. The name and description for each price plan
  2. The number of users within the system currently attached to that price plan
  3. Whether that price plan applies to auctions or classified listing types
  4. The type of charging that price plan is configured to use: subscription or fee based
  5. The edit button that allows you to manage that price plan
  6. The delete button that allows you to remove that price plan from the system.

That allows you to manage any current price plans in the system.

Things to Know When Managing Price Plans