Customize Module Display

Customization of module can be quite extensive and very detailed if you like. We supply the following "browsing views" any module can be displayed in:

/geo_templates/[your template set - not default]/system/browsing/common/gallery_view.tpl
/geo_templates/[your template set - not default]/system/browsing/common/grid_view.tpl
/geo_templates/[your template set - not default]/system/browsing/common/list_view.tpl

The above system templates are common to all modules. So if a module is set to display in list view and you make changes to the above list view template those changes will affect all modules using the same list view to display their listings.

Most of the fields that can be displayed within the module using the "module display controls" found in the LISTING SETUP > FIELDS TO USE admin tool. But there is data beyond that which can be displayed in the module if you are willing to dig into the html/smarty code of a module. Just about any "listing specific" data that can be displayed within the listing details page for any listing can be displayed within the browsing view of any module. And if you dig into the details of the template you can create a display for a module that is unique and highly custom in it's display of the listing data.

So if you wish to move forward with a customization of one of the above templates to get a very custom display you'll need to follow the steps in the customizing system/module templates wiki page to get those templates into your custom template set.

Once you have that template copied over you can open it and see how listing data is placed. Below is a snippet from the {debug} tag output when we placed it in one of the above templates. In it you'll see all the data that can be placed. To place any of them within one of the templates above you would use a tag similar to:


where "xxxxxx" is the label of that field to be placed. So following the data display below:

{$} would display the listing's id
{$listing.title} would display the listing's title
{$listing.seller_username} would display the listing's seller's username

And many moreā€¦.While the "first level" data may not change the data fields with "mulitply layers" like the layered (multi-level fields) will require some more changes and could be a different structure per multi-level field and it's configuration. The full list of fields is below but note this was from a specific listing in our test installation and as stated your's could be a bit different considering configuration:

    id => "90"
    seller => "80"
    live => "1"
    title => "test listing title"
    date => "1426706086"
    description => "test"
    language_id => "1"
    precurrency => "$"
    price => "$0.01 USD"
    postcurrency => "USD"
    conversion_rate => "1"
    price_applies => "lot"
    image => "geo_templates/my_templates_7_4_1/exte..."
    offsite_videos_purchased => "0"
    additional_regions_purchased => "0"
    category => null
    duration => "365"
    location_city => "testing19"
    location_zip => "testing19"
    ends => "1458242086"
    search_text => "test+-+"
    viewed => "0"
    responded => "0"
    forwarded => "0"
    bolding => "0"
    better_placement => "0"
    featured_ad => "0"
    featured_ad_2 => "0"
    featured_ad_3 => "0"
    featured_ad_4 => "0"
    featured_ad_5 => "0"
    attention_getter => "0"
    attention_getter_url => ""
    expiration_notice => "0"
    expiration_last_sent => "0"
    sold_displayed => "0"
    business_type => "ind"
    optional_field_1 => "test"
    optional_field_2 => "2342424"
    optional_field_3 => ""
    optional_field_4 => ""
    optional_field_5 => ""
    optional_field_6 => ""
    optional_field_7 => ""
    optional_field_8 => ""
    optional_field_9 => ""
    optional_field_10 => "test"
    one_votes => "0"
    two_votes => "0"
    three_votes => "0"
    vote_total => "0"
    email => ""
    expose_email => "0"
    phone => "testing19"
    phone2 => "testing19"
    fax => "testing19"
    filter_id => "0"
    mapping_location => "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington,..."
    paypal_id => ""
    renewal_length => "0"
    optional_field_11 => "test"
    optional_field_12 => "tes"
    optional_field_13 => ""
    optional_field_14 => ""
    optional_field_15 => ""
    optional_field_16 => ""
    optional_field_17 => ""
    optional_field_18 => ""
    optional_field_19 => ""
    optional_field_20 => "freeeeeeeeeee"
    discount_id => "0"
    discount_amount => "0.00"
    discount_percentage => "0.00"
    url_link_1 => ""
    url_link_2 => ""
    url_link_3 => ""
    price_plan_id => "5"
    auction_type => "1"
    quantity => "1"
    quantity_remaining => "1"
    final_fee => "1"
    minimum_bid => "$0.01 USD"
    starting_bid => "$0.01 USD"
    reserve_price => "0.00"
    buy_now => "0.00"
    current_bid => "freeeeeeeeeee"
    final_price => "0.00"
    high_bidder => "0"
    start_time => "0"
    payment_options => ""
    end_time => "0"
    buy_now_only => "0"
    item_type => "2"
    storefront_category => "18"
    hide => "0"
    reason_ad_ended => ""
    location_address => "testing19+testing19"
    order_item_id => "541"
    delayed_start => "0"
    show_contact_seller => "yes"
    show_other_ads => "yes"
    charge_per_word_count => "0"
    seller_buyer_data => null
    upgrade_category_id => "0"
    regionInfo => Array (2)
      maxDepth => 0
      enabledLevels => Array (0)
    classified_id => "90"
    viewed_count => "0"
    seller_id => 80
    seller_username => "testing19"
    seller_first_name => "testing19"
    seller_last_name => "testing19"
    seller_url => "<a href="http://testing19" rel="nofol..."
    seller_address => "testing19 testing19"
    seller_city => "testing19"
    seller_state => ""
    seller_country => "United States"
    seller_zip => "testing19"
    seller_phone => "testing19"
    seller_phone2 => "testing19"
    seller_fax => "testing19"
    seller_company_name => "testing19"
    seller_optional_1 => ""
    seller_optional_2 => ""
    seller_optional_3 => ""
    seller_optional_4 => ""
    seller_optional_5 => ""
    seller_optional_6 => ""
    seller_optional_7 => ""
    seller_optional_8 => ""
    seller_optional_9 => ""
    seller_optional_10 => "testing19"
    member_since => "Mar 18, 2015"
    date_started => "18 Mar 2015, 20:14"
    address_data => "Testing19 Testing19"
    city_data => "Testing19"
    state_data => "Alabama"
    country_data => "United States"
    zip_data => "testing19"
    phone_data => "testing19"
    phone2_data => "testing19"
    fax_data => "testing19"
    auction_type_data => null
    type => "<img src="geo_templates/my_templates_..."
    full_image_tag => false
    icons => Array (8)
      sold => false
      buy_now => false
      reserve_met => false
      reserve_not_met => false
      no_reserve => true
      attention_getter => false
      verified => false
      addon_icons => Array (0)
    tags => Array (1)
      0 => "test"
    location_breadcrumb => "<span class="listing_region_breadcrum..."
    address => "testing19 testing19"
    city => "testing19"
    state => "Alabama"
    country => "United States"
    zip => "testing19"
    optionals => Array (20)
      1 => "test"
      2 => "2342424"
      3 => ""
      4 => ""
      5 => ""
      6 => ""
      7 => ""
      8 => ""
      9 => ""
      10 => "test"
      11 => "test"
      12 => "tes"
      13 => ""
      14 => ""
      15 => ""
      16 => ""
      17 => ""
      18 => ""
      19 => ""
      20 => "freeeeeeeeeee"
    num_bids => 0
    entry_date => false
    time_left => "48 weeks, 0 days"
    leveled => Array (1)
      14 => Array (4)
        1 => Array (9)
          id => "74986"
          leveled_field => "14"
          parent => "0"
          level => "1"
          enabled => "yes"
          display_order => "49"
          language_id => "3"
          name => "1984"
          level_info => Array (6)
            level => "1"
            leveled_field => "14"
            always_show => "no"
            labels => Array (2)
              1 => "Year"
              3 => "Year"
            label => "Year"
            sample => ""
        2 => Array (9)
          id => "75078"
          leveled_field => "14"
          parent => "74986"
          level => "2"
          enabled => "yes"
          display_order => "11"
          language_id => "3"
          name => "Bmw"
          level_info => Array (6)
            level => "2"
            leveled_field => "14"
            always_show => "yes"
            labels => Array (2)
              1 => "Make"
              3 => "Make"
            label => "Make"
            sample => ""
        3 => Array (9)
          id => "75082"
          leveled_field => "14"
          parent => "75078"
          level => "3"
          enabled => "yes"
          display_order => "2"
          language_id => "3"
          name => "318"
          level_info => Array (6)
            level => "3"
            leveled_field => "14"
            always_show => "yes"
            labels => Array (2)
              1 => "Model"
              3 => "Model"
            label => "Model"
            sample => ""
        4 => Array (9)
          id => "75083"
          leveled_field => "14"
          parent => "75082"
          level => "4"
          enabled => "yes"
          display_order => "1"
          language_id => "3"
          name => "i"
          level_info => Array (6)
            level => "4"
            leveled_field => "14"
            always_show => "yes"
            labels => Array (2)
              1 => "Trim"
              3 => "Trim"
            label => "Trim"
            sample => ""
    edit => "edit"
    delete => "delete"
    css => "browsing_result_table_body_even"
    addonData => Array (0)