Small Region Focus?

Are you focusing your site on one small region? Maybe a few cities in one state/country? Or just one state/province within your country? And ONLY want to allow listing from these regions? We have a few suggestions here on configuring regions in your site.

Our suggestion is to keep the region hierarchy currently in the software. That means even if you are focusing on a few cities within the state of Texas within the United States that you keep United States and Texas within the country and state levels within your geographic region data of the GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS > REGIONS admin tool as well as keeping those region level attached within the GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS > LEVELS admin tool.

If there is only one region within a specific region level that region will be "auto-selected" within any region selection features. So if you are focusing on cities within Texas you would have ONLY United States at the country level and ONLY Texas at the state level. If so those two levels would be "auto-selected" at those levels within features of the software. If you were using the geographic navigation filter addon United States and Texas would be auto-selected within that feature. They are the only regions to select at the country and state level so there's not reason to select them. Your clients would only need to select from the cities within the state of Texas you have configured within your site. Also within any other region selection features within the software those regions would be auto-selected.

The mapping address features within the software like Google Maps display still need that country and state (using the above example) within addresses to properly display. So by following the above suggestion and all listings are in the same country and state in your site that data is still there within each listing for use in current and future mapping features.

It keeps later expansion easy. If you wish to expand your site at a later date to different regions the hierarchy of your regions are still within their proper position among their parent regions.