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Category Display Order

<tip c n>Note that categories set to the same display order will default to alphabetical order display between the categories set to the same display order</tip>

You can control the display of categories in client side category navigation through the display order setting within the category admin tool. First go here in the admin tool:


and you'll see something like the following:

Within that screenshot you'll see:

  1. The current display order for each category that will determine the display order of categories at this level given a common parent category.
  2. You would click the edit button next to each category to edit the display order for that category

Once you click the "edit" button you'll see the "display order" value as seen here:

Mass Editing Category Display Order

You can easily mass edit some aspects of the display order values (though not the display order currently used) by going to the following admin tool:


And navigate to the categories you wish to configure and:

  1. You can click here to edit all categories at once
  2. Or you can select individual categories to mass edit
  3. Once you have chosen the categories you want to edit click the "mass edit" button

You'll see the next options in the next screenshot:

Within that screenshot you'll see these options:

  1. Leave this to "no change" to leave the display order as the same yet still allow you to mass change other aspects of the selected categories
  2. Reset display orders to selected categories but start as 1. This leaves the same display order among the selected categories except order will be 1,2,3,…etc
  3. This resets all selected categories to same display order value set here. This in effect sets the selected categories to display in alphabetical order.

Display Order Configuration Options