Using The New QR Code Tag To Display QR Codes

The {qr_code} tag functionality was added to the software in v6.0.0 and so you will need a version greater than that to use this feature. Most clients want to display the qr code in the listing details page. It is already displayed by default within the default printer friendly templates. Use the following code to display a 100 by 100 pixel qr code image that contains a link to the current listing you are browsing at the moment:


if the above does not work try this alternative:

{assign var="qr_code_url" value="`$classifieds_url`?a=2&b=`$classified_id`"}

The latter line must come after the former line and where ever the latter tag is placed is where the qr code will appear.

You can use the following tag to display a 150 pixel qr code:


or alternative:

{assign var="qr_code_url" value="`$classifieds_url`?a=2&b=`$classified_id`"}

You can insert any text in the qr code tag. Everything "left" for vertical bar or pipe in the tag will be added to the the text saved/displayed by the tag. And note the above code will only work in the listing details body templates. Within the default design those are those are the following templates:

There are a few other options to this tag found this page of the support wikicustom smarty plugin modifiers