How a template set is chosen

The template system uses a Cascading Template Set1) model. When the system is looking for a template to load, it looks through all of the active template sets, in the order the template sets appear in the admin. You can change that order by clicking on the up and down buttons in the Template Seek Order column. This allows you to use a collection of "partial" template sets.

For a scenario where this might be useful: Say you have a partial template set that might contain "seasonal" alterations to images and the main CSS file. No changes to your main templates are needed, it's mainly to change the look of it. During the season, you would activate the template set, and move it to be at the top of the template seek order. Now when the system is looking up the location for any of the images or the CSS file, it would find the files in the seasonal template set, and use those instead of your main ones. For the files it does not find in the seasonal template set (like all the main templates) it would find them further down in another template set that is lower in the "template seek order". Once that season is over, to go back to using the normal images and CSS file, just de-activate the seasonal template set. It can be a little confusing at first, but once you get a hang of how it works it gives you a lot of control and power to do a lot of things you would not be able to do as easily with a traditional template system.

For a more technical illustration of how a particular template from a particular template set is loaded, read on.

For the purposes of this explanation, we'll assume the following file structure exists inside geo_templates/ :

Contents of geo_templates/:

Now, lets assume in the admin, the list of Active template sets is in the exact order listed below:

When the software is getting a template to use, this is the steps it follows when using the above setup:

Yes that term was invented by us specifically for describing the way this software works. If you see that term used anywhere else, they got it from us.8-)
Note: Default template set is always active and last in template seek order, but not displayed in admin if currently in Standard Mode