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4) Link within design

The use for an extra page is virtually limitless and can be linked to from anywhere on the Internet. But most clients want to link their extra page within the header and/or footer of the default design. Within my local environment the full absolute url to my extra page is:


And if you were linking from somewhere else over the Internet you would use that link. But if you link within your own site to that page you only need to use this within the header and/or footer:


That last relative url is what we'll use within the header.tpl and footer.tpl. Within the header we will just change a current link to point to our new page. Within the footer will change the extra link 1 one to point to our extra page 15 (used to illustrate for this tutorial).

To edit the footer.tpl go to the following admin tool:


and click the checkbox next to the footer.tpl template in the /main_page/ directory then click the View/Edit link as shown below:

That will put in the edit view of that template as shown below. Within the following screenshot we circle the code we will use to point to our extra page.

And we'll change it to look like this:

After the above changes you click Save Changes at the bottom of the DESIGN > MANAGER page to commit/save your changes to the footer.tpl. Now you should be able to go to any page on your site with the footer.tpl template (about 99% of pages in the default design) and you should see the following (or something similar based on what you inserted into your extra page template):

Linking within the header

To change a link in the header row to point to our new extra page will we'll edit the header.tpl template within the DESIGN > MANAGER admin tool by checking the box next to header.tpl in the /main_page/ and then the View/Edit link at the bottom as shown:

and for this tutorial we'll change the pricing link in the header to point to our new extra page. Once the source code editor opens with the header.tpl template source shown look for code as shown here:

and change to:

Once done making your changes click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the DESIGN > MANAGER admin tool. You should now see the following in your client side header:

and when clicked should lead to your extra page: