Table of Contents

Admin Menu

This section of the user manual will help you with specific pages in the Geo administration panel. It is divided up using the same admin menu category names, and admin page names, that you see when you are logged into the Geo admin panel.

Help with certain Admin Pages

When you are logged into the Geo admin panel, on each page on the top right of the page, there will be a help button:

Click on the and it will take you to this user manual, straight to the page that helps specifically with the admin page you came from.

If Topic does not Exist

If you click on the mentioned Help Button from a page in the admin, and it links to a page that says "This topic does not exist yet", it could be for one of the following reasons:

Admin Menu Legend

Here is a legend for some of the things you might see in the Admin Menu section of the user manual:

Item Description
[S] Admin Sub-page: This page does not display in the Geo Admin menu directly