Charge for Listings?

Use this page to tell the software whether or not you plan to charge for listing placements on your site. This does not mean that you have to charge everyone who comes to your site to list an item. This simply means that ‘some’ customers ‘will’ be charged to place listings. The amount they are charged is based upon the Price Plan that is assigned to User Group they are in.

If you only want to charge certain users a fee, but let others post for free, check yes, set up two Price Plans, and then two User Groups. Set the cost specifics for one Price Plan to $0 on all charges, and set the cost specifics for the other Price Plan to whatever charges you want to apply. Then assign each Price Plan to the appropriate User Group when creating each User Group. When users register and become associated with their respective User Groups, only those users who are associated with the Price Plan that you set up with fees will have to pay for their listing placements.