Table of Contents


Admin Page: Addons > Social Connect > Settings

On this page you will find various settings specific to the Social Connect addon.

Facebook App/Site Settings

Settings in this section are specific to the Facebook app.

Facebook App ID

This is the App ID that cooresponds to the Facebook app for your website. Follow the instructions on Social Connect Addon (AKA Facebook Connect) to set up your own Facebook app. If you already have the Facebook App set up for your site, you can find the App ID listed on the page:

Facebook App Secret

This is the App Secret that cooresponds to the Facebook app for your website. Follow the instructions on Social Connect Addon (AKA Facebook Connect) to set up your own Facebook app. If you already have the Facebook App set up for your site, you can find the App Secret listed on the page:

Default Group

Set this to the group you want all users registered using the "login with facebook" to start out in.