Table of Contents


This is the main settings page for the Pedigree Tree Addon.

Pedigree Tree Settings

Preserve Uppercase in Names?

Enable this setting to make it so that a name like McHorse would be stored as-is, or disable to make it store case insensitive values. If enabled, be aware that if someone does a search for mchorse, it may not pull up names with different case like McHorse.

Default is turned off. This setting is typically only turned on when the character-case matters for the name of the sire or dam.

Max # Generations

This is the maximum number of generations to collect during listing placement and listing edit. The "count" starts with the first Sire and Dam, so if a max # generations of 1 is entered, only the Sire and Dam will be collected.

Default Value: 3

Required # Generations

This is the number of required generations that are required to be filled out before allowing the user to proceed. For instance, if it was set to 1 required generation, and 3 max generations, then there would be 3 generations collected but only the first one would be required. The 2nd and 3rd generation of the pedigree tree would not be required, the user could fill in or not fill in however many they desired.

Default Value: 3

Image Icons to Use

This will show different options for the sire/dam image icons to use next to each sire or dam. There are a few combinations that are included that you can choose from, or you can add your own.

To add your own image icons, in your template set, create a new folder at:


Name the new folder inside "icon_sets" something unique, for example you might use "my_custom_icons". Inside your new folder upload 2 images named sire.gif and dam.gif, they must be named exactly like that and must both be GIF images, or it won't work properly. We would recommend to make the image dimensions the same as the other icon images so that it matches, you might even use of the existing icon images as a "starting point" for your own images.

Listing Tag for Templates

To Display in Listing: You need to add the addon tag to your listing details template(s) so that the pedigree tree information displays for each listing. The tag to add will be:

{addon author='geo_addons' addon='pedigree_tree' tag='listing_tree'}

Fields to Use & Category Usage

Fields to Use Settings: Note that there are more settings specific to Pedigree Tree fields on the page Listing Setup > Fields to Use in the admin panel. If the Pedigree Tree does not show when placing or editing a listing, check there to make sure it is enabled site-wide or for that specific category/user group.

For editions that have category specific and/or group specific Fields to Use settings, you can make it use the pedigree tree in only certain category(s) by setting the main fields to use to be disabled. Then edit the fields to use for the specific category or user group, and enable the pedigree tree field for that category/user group.

Note that this ability is not in all editions, check the feature comparison chart to see if your specific edition is able to have category specific fields to use settings.