Charity Tools

The Charity Tools addon is a collection of tools that may be useful for charity-based sites. It currently is comprised of two tools: the Good Neighbor Badge and the Charitable Badge. More tools may be added if/as the needs arise.

Good Neighbor Badge

The Good Neighbor Badge is an award that can be given by the site admin to specific users. The idea is to provide an easy way to identify users who have a history of supporting various charities. Once awarded, the badge will appear alongside all of the user's listings for a duration that may be specified in the admin (default: 12 months). Administrators can award this badge on the Users / User Groups > List Users > User Data Display page by clicking the "Activate" button on the "Good Neighbor Status" row.

Charitable Badge

The Charitable Badge provides a way for users purchasing listings to add a set donation earmarked to a specific charity. You can think of it almost as a "tip jar" where the seller can select a recipient. The cost of the badge will be added to his order, and a badge image you set will be shown next to that listing, to signify that the seller has made a donation. Each charity can also be assigned to a Region, and then will only appear as a selectable option for sellers of listings in that region. An admin page allows you to run a report of all Charitable Badge purchases across a given timeframe and shows the totals for each, so you can then apportion the funds as needed.