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JFusion Plugin

The JFusion Plugin is available in the Public Downloads in our client area.

<tip c n>Note: It is not a Geo addon that you would administer in the Geo admin panel, but rather a JFusion plugin, that you administer inside of your Joomla installation admin panel. Again, This plugin is used inside a Joomla installation, NOT within Geo software. And conversely, the Geodesic software is not something that would be installed as a Joomla extension; the main Geodesic software is a stand-alone software application with it's own admin panel and it's own admin login1). This JFusion plugin simply allows the users between the Geodesic software and the Joomla software to be shared.

Also note that JFusion itself is referred to as a Joomla extension that you use inside Joomla. On this page, when we use the term JFusion Plugin, we are referring to the plugin by Geodesic Solutions for use inside JFusion, we are not referring to JFusion extension itself. </tip>

Note that Joomla and JFusion are not created by us and are not affiliated with us. The plugin for the JFusion extension WAS created by us to allow you to bridge your Geodesic installation(s) with your Joomla installation(s) using the Joomla extension JFusion.

About the Plugin

Here is some information about the JFusion Plugin:

Installation Instructions

These instructions are a work in progress, at this point we recommend to only use the JFusion Plugin if you are already familiar with JFusion and are able to test everything thoroughly.

  1. If you do not already have the latest version of JFusion installed inside of your Joomla installation, install it now. You can find instructions for that at JFusion - installation guide (instructions from JFusion site). <
  2. Download the Geo JFusion Bridge from the public downloads in the client area on our site. Note that you do not need to be logged into the client area to download items from the public downloads section. <
  3. Log into your Joomla Administration Panel, and go to Components > JFusion > Plugin Manager5), or if you do not see that page, Components > JFusion > Configuration6). Then upload the Geo plugin zip file from that page. <
  4. Refer to the instructions at the link to finish setting up the plugin:;plugin_config. <
  5. Refer to the JFusion documentation to finish setting up JFusion with the Geo bridge. <
  6. If you want to make the Geodesic Solutions software the "slave" (Recommended):
    • You can turn registrations off in your Geo admin panel at Registration Setup > General Settings at the top of the page. This is a new setting added in version 5.1.0. <
    • The use, require, and length settings for each of the different registration fields in Registration Setup > General Settings apply to users registered through the JFusion bridge7), so make sure those settings match with what is allowed in the software set as the master, or you could get errors when user is registered through the JFusion bridge. <
    • If you use the Geographic Navigation Addon, in the admin at Addons > Geographic Navigation > Settings, in the section Geographic Location in Registration Data, make sure the require setting is un-checked for the same reasons as listed above. <
    • Make sure the Username length and the Password Length settings in the admin at Admin Tools & Settings > Security Settings > General Security Settings8) match with what is allowed in the software set as the master, or you could get errors when user is registered through the JFusion bridge. <


  1. The Joomla admin user9) (both username and e-mail) should match a "normal" user within Geo, not the main Geodesic admin user, or it will produce errors within Joomla. The Geodesic admin user is not able to be synced across the remote API for security reasons. If you do use the same user/pass for Joomla admin and Geodesic admin, you will receive errors every time you log into Joomla with that user.10) <
  2. In the JFusion admin, sync the users between Joomla and Geodesic. Note that the sync is not able to "mass sync" the users' passwords because of how passwords are saved in Joomla. The password will be synced the first time a user logs into Joomla after the "mass sync" was performed. Until then, existing Joomla users will not be able to log directly into Geo installation. <
  3. New versions of JFusion and Joomla are being released every day, so if you experience any problems on a newer version contact us. <

Known Issues

As new issues are found, we will post them here until we are able to release a new version to fix the issues.

See the note further down about using different admin login than Joomla
Make sure you download the version compatible with your version of Geo software. Also note that there is a known issue with installations before 5.2.0, see the troubleshooting section.
from a totally different server
Except if you use the config wizard, it will connect to the DB to pre-fill all of the settings for the plugin for you.
in older versions of jFusion
For newer versions of jFusion
Even when "normal registrations" are turned off!
This page is currently Enterprise only.
Actually this applies to any user within the Joomla installation, but it is most common to have the administrator in Joomla match the admin user in Geo.
This is not a problem with multi-admin users that are given admin access through the use of the multi-admin addon, this only applies to the main admin user.