theme : 'advanced',
language : 'en',
mode : 'textareas',
plugins: 'advlink',//fix link to work in gzip
editor_selector : 'editor',
{if $blank_screen_fix}strict_loading_mode : true,{/if}
theme_advanced_disable : 'visualaid,help,styleselect,cleanup,image',
theme_advanced_buttons3_add : 'separator,forecolor,backcolor',
extended_valid_elements : "iframe[src|width|height|name|align|style|scrolling|frameborder|allowtransparency]",
{if $width > 0}
width: '{$width}',
{if $height > 0}
height: '{$height}',
//make it NOT automatically add the around everything... Comment the line out if it is needed.
forced_root_block : '',
content_css: '{external file="css/wysiwyg.css"}'
For instance, if you wanted to add a new configuration line, you would add it somewhere in that code snippet. <
* On the rare occasion you need to edit the part that initializes GZIP (like if you wanted to change the theme or turn debug on or something), you would edit the part of the file that looks like this:
* We advise to stay away from editing any other part of the file besides those 2, the other parts do things a little more advanced than how TinyMCE is normally "loaded" on the page, the main reason is to allow the "show/hide" link to work, which turns the fancy editor on or off. <
* Remember this is inside of a Smarty template, so here are a few common things to watch out for:
* If you add anything with an open curly bracket "{" use **{ldelim}** to prevent it from being interpreted as a Smarty tag. Or just wrap it in Literal Smarty tags kind of like this:
{literal}CODE HERE{/literal}
* You can use Smarty tags to accomplish fancy things if you want, like load a specific language depending on the current language ID. <