====== Manually Adjust User Subscription ====== You as the admin can manually edit any users subscription within the admin tool. You would first need to find that user within the following admin tool: QUICK FIND > USER SEARCH (link in top right of admin tool) USERS / USER GROUPS > LIST USERS USERS / USER GROUPS > SEARCH USERS Once found you would click the **view** next to that user in the user search results as shown here: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_edit1.png?800 }} Once you have clicked **view** you'll see the users details page and need to click the **change expiration** link you see in their user details as shown in the screenshot below: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_edit2.png }} You'll then see a admin tool page where you can change the subscription expiration for that user as shown here: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_edit3.png?800 }} Make your date changes and click the **save** button to save your changes.