====== Adding Subscription Periods ====== To add a subscription period to a subscription based price plan you would click edit next to a subscription based price plan in the PRICING > PRICE PLANS HOME admin tool as shown here: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_price_plan_edit.png?800 }} That will take you to the specific admin tool links for that price plan. Click the SUBSCRIPTION PERIODS link shown in the following screenshot: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_price_plan_edit_subscription_periods.png?800 }} On the next screen you would click the **Add New Subscription Period Choice** button. Then you'll see the following screen: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_price_plan_add_subscription_periods.png?800 }} Just fill in the form and you'll have a new subscription choice for that price plan. Once you have added all the choices you want you can click the **Back to Subscription Periods** to see all the choices available for that price plan: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:price_plans:subscription_based_price_plans:subscription_price_plan_subscription_periods_list.png?800 }}