=====Excluding Categories Within A Module===== Many times a client does not want to display a specific categories listings within a module. The following modules display listings within in based on criteria coded into them.: {module tag='newest_ads_1'} {module tag='featured_ads_1'} {module tag='module_featured_pic_1'} {module tag='module_hottest_ads'} These are the only modules you can exclude listings from displaying within them. You can only exclude one category but that will also exclude listings within the category id you set. You would exclude a category from any of the above by inserting an attribute into their module placement tags as you see above. The following is how that attribute would be added to the tag: {module tag='newest_ads_1' not_cat_id='xxx'} {module tag='featured_ads_1' not_cat_id='xxx'} {module tag='module_featured_pic_1' not_cat_id='xxx'} {module tag='module_hottest_ads' not_cat_id='xxx'} The above specifically shows "xxx" but you would replace "xxx" with the category id of the category you wish to exclude. If you want to exclude more than one category you would separate the category id's using commas. Look to the following: {module tag='newest_ads_1' not_cat_id='1,2,3,4'} {module tag='featured_ads_1' not_cat_id='5,6,7,8'} {module tag='module_featured_pic_1' not_cat_id='9,10,11,12'} {module tag='module_hottest_ads' not_cat_id='13,14,15,16'} You can find any category's id within the categories admin tool: CATEGORIES > CATEGORES The category id for a category is the number in parentheses next to the category name within that admin tool.