====== Url Fields ====== With these fields your clients can insert a url directly into the software. The software will automatically make that a link when displayed within the listing details page. Highlights of the URL field: * up to 3 fields available * Is a link within the listing details page * Can control whether that linked content appears in the current page or a new browser tab. * Can be individually placed within the listing details page design. * Can control the max number of characters in the field * Can accept up to 255 characters * Cannot be displayed within a module, search results or category browsing results. ====== Where Do You Manage The URL Field? ====== You configure it's use within the following admin tool: LISTING SETUP > FIELDS TO USE The following screenshot shows where in that tool: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:standard_fields:url_field_config1.png?800 }} Remember since that is a standard field type that you can control the use of this field on a category by category basis through category specific field configurations. You can place the display of these fields individually where you want within the listing details templates. These templates are by default the following: /main_page/listing_auction.tpl /main_page/listing_classified.tpl and you would place the following tags within the above default templates (or your own listing details templates if you have created them: {listing tag='url_link_1'} {listing tag='url_link_2'} {listing tag='url_link_3'} The above like any fields if the tag is there and there is data for that listing within that field the placement tag will place that data/functionality within the listing details page. To remove the display of this field from the listing details page you must turn off that field and remove the above tags from the listing details templates you have in use. The listing details templates are by default these: /main_page/listing_auction.tpl /main_page/listing_classified.tpl The above tags place a link and those links would use the text you set for them in the listing details page text admin tool found here in the admin tool: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DISPLAY PAGE > [EDIT TEXT] The above link text by default links in the current page. If you want that feature to have that link appear in a different window change the following setting in the admin tool: LISTING SETUP > GENERAL SETTINGS > Open User-Entered Links in New Tab ====== Displaying Url and Not Link ====== There are additional tags if you simply want the url to display in the listing details page. For that use these tags: {listing field='url_link_1_href'} {listing field='url_link_2_href'} {listing field='url_link_3_href'}