====== Phone Number Configuration ====== This feature allows you to format the phone numbers your clients insert into your site. Highlights of this feature: * allows you to group phone numbers to make them more legible to humans * allows you to group phone number digits in a number of ways to display better for a specific region * allows a few ways to display those digit groupings ====== Where do you manage the phone number field and formatting within your admin tool? ====== The base site wide controls to use, require, editable...etc are within the following admin tool: LISTING SETUP > FIELD TO USE Below is a screenshot: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:standard_fields:phone_config1.png?800 }} Within that screenshot you'll see: - setting to enable disable that feature - the standard field label - setting to require this field when placing a new listing or editing a listing - setting to allow the setting to be editable after the listing is placed. - the type of data allowed in the field - the max number of characters allowed within the setting when placing/editing a listing and of course there is the same within any category specific field configurations. ===== Further Formatting and Control ===== Look to the following settings in your admin tool: SITE SETUP > BROWSING SETTINGS > PHONE NUMBER GROUPING SITE SETUP > BROWSING SETTINGS > PHONE NUMBER FORMATTING We'll use the US phone formatting as an example. US phone number have an area code, exchange number and number within that exchange and is formatted by default (in the past....but that seems to be changing fast) to: (234) 567-1111 and to get that formatting you would set the group PHONE NUMBER GROUPING to "3 3 4" and set the PHONE NUMBER FORMATTING configuration to "(123) 123-1234" from that dropdown. So the client would only need to insert "2345671111" and the phone number will display as above. If the phone number has it's own formatting inserted by the client in any form the above formatting will not be applied. That mean in the above example if the client inserted "2345671111" then "(234) 567-1111" will display in the listing details page but if they inserted any formatting at all in the number...possibly any of the following: * 2345671111 * 234567 1111 * 234 567 1111 * (234)5671111 * 234-567-1111 * 12345671111 (more than 10 numbers in mask above) * 234567111 (less than 10 numbers in mask above) * ....etc The formatting set within the admin tool would not be applied. Basically anything besides and "unbroken" number will not have formatting applied to it. ====== Things to know when managing this feature ====== * The software does not automatically insert country codes for a phone number. If you see a country code the client inserted it that way * When placing a new listing the phone number for a listing will automatically be populated from the sellers account details. They will be given a chance to change that value within the place a listing process if needed. ====== Use Within the Listing Placement Details Template ====== The default listing details templates are: * listing_classified.tpl * listing_auction.tpl The tags to place phone data within those templates are: * {$phone_label} - label for phone 1 field (data saved to the listing) * {listing field='phone_data'} - phone 1 field data (data saved to the listing) * {$phone2_label} - label for phone 2 field (data saved to the listing) * {listing field='phone2_data'} - phone 2 field data (data saved to the listing) * {listing field='seller_phone'} - seller phone 1 field data (data saved to the seller's account details) * {listing field='seller_phone2'} - seller phone 2 field data (data saved to the seller's account details)