====== Added Cost Field Type ====== With many auction sites extra fields are needed for the seller to add extra costs to the total on their successful auctions. Many of these take the label of "shipping/handling" or any number of extra fees that may be applied to the item sold above and beyond the final winning bid amount. Within our software you can use any of or all of the 20 site wide optional fields for this purpose on your site. You only need to configure the admin tool to turn on that functionality. Highlights of the added cost configuration for site wide optional fields: * seller determines the added cost amount when placing their listing * the cost amount is added to the total displayed to the winning bidder(s) after the auction * This feature works for any auction type * added cost fields can be displayed higher in the details collection form of the listing placement process * can have more than one added cost field configured * like any site wide optional field it can be set required or editable * like any site wide optional field you can choose to display within the category browsing feature * when a field is selected as "adds to cost" the pre and post currency values selected by the listing they are displayed in will be added to the display of the value in this field. So if "$" and "USD" are around the price for the current listing they will appear around this field also where ever it displays in the listing details page. ====== Where do you manage the added cost field in the admin tool? ====== The first step is to choose which of the site wide optional fields edited here in the admin tool you wish to use for this purpose: LISTING SETUP > FIELDS TO USE You would first need to enable the site wide optional field you wish to use as an "added cost field" and then select "Adds Cost" within the **Field Type** column as shown in the following screenshot: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:site_wide_optional_fields:added_cost1.png?800 }} Once that field is turned on it then automatically appears in the listing details collection form of the place a listing process with other site wide optional fields. Additionally you can tell the software to display these fields next to the price field within that place a listing process within the following admin tool setting: LISTING SETUP > FIELDS TO USE > Display 'use as cost' optional fields The following screenshot explains where to look: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:site_wide_optional_fields:added_cost2.png?800 }} You can even turn this field on to display as a column in the category browsing pages. Consult the site wide optional page for that within this section of the support wiki At the close of all auctions the software also creates a "total" for the buyer to pay the seller by adding all of the "cost" fields a seller has put into their through the use of this feature to the final bid for a successful auction. The buyer is then given that total in their current bids page for each successful auction they have won. If you use the [[admin_menu/payments/seller_to_buyer_gateways/start|Seller to Buyer Gateways]] feature of the software the calculated total of costs and final winning bid will be added to the total the buyer needs to pay the seller. After you have turned on the field you will need to label that site wide optional field to what you want to call it within your site. The [[admin_menu/listing_setup/fields_to_use/text_editing/start|Editing Text]] page will give you the places to go in the admin to change the label for that "cost" field to what you want. After the above you are set. No HTML or PHP changes needed. The field displays throughout the software without your need to do anything but if you wish to move that field around your listing details page you would need to move the appropriate data placement tag where you want it to display in the html of the listing details page. How that can be done is explained in the [[admin_menu/pages_management/browsing_listings/listing_display_page/start|auction details display page]] page explanation.