{{indexmenu_n>30}} ====== Category Specific Questions ====== Highlights to this feature: * Unlimited number of categories * Cannot appear as a column within the category browsing feature * Can be a filter in the browsing filter * Only appear in the listing placement process and listing details page * Within the listing details page all category questions appear as a group. There is no independent placement of these questions in the listing details page without coding changes. * Checkbox questions of the category specific type appear in their own group within the listing details page. They appear in the display order you set within other category questions within the place a listing process. * Only attach to categories. These are NOT site questions. If you had more than one category is separate trees of the category structure needing the same category specific question you would need to add to each category * Automatically apply to subcategories when added to a parent category * Each question only has one label and that label will appear in the place a listing process and the listing details page the same way * Can use the pre-valued dropdowns that are available to site wide optional fields also * Can copy category questions from one category to another * Appear as a searchable field in the advanced search form page when a category is chosen * There are no listing type specific category questions. These questions are attached to a category and not to a listing type. If you allow more than one type of listing in a category those questions attached to that category apply to both types ===== Types of Category Questions Available in the Software ===== * Blank text * Blank textarea * Checkbox * Date Field * Numeric Input - only allows numbers within it's value * Url field - whatever is entered will be linkable within the listing details page * Pre-valued dropdown - use any of the pre-valued dropdowns as values to choose from * Pre-valued dropdown with optional blank text field ===== Where are the Category Administration Tools in the Software ===== This is a "category attached feature" so it will be edited in the following admin tool: CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES > [MANAGE] (next to category to affect) > [QUESTIONS] (in the next popup) Just navigate to the category you wish to add/edit a category question and click the "manage" button next to the category as seen in this screenshot: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:edit_category_questions1.png?800 }} You'll then see a popup like you see here. You will need to click the "questions" button you see there: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:edit_category_questions2.png?800 }} That will lead you to the admin tool page for the category questions for that category. Depending on the questions already attached to that category you could see an admin tool empty of questions: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:edit_category_questions3.png?800 }} Or like our default autos category several like here: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:edit_category_questions4.png?800 }} To learn more about the [[startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:question_types|types of category specific questions available]], [[startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:insert_new_category_questions|inserting a new category specific question]], [[startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:adding_category_questions|editing a current category specific question]] or [[startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:field_configuration:category_specific_questions:listing_detail_category_questions_display|where to display within the listing details page]] look to other pages in this section ===== Things To Keep in Mind When Creating Your Category Specific Questions ===== * Category specific questions produce questions for the seller in the auction and classified ad placement processes. Those fields will only appear on the client side listing details page if they are answered in place a listing process by the seller. * The display of answered category specific question fields in the listing details page is within one tag placed into the listing details template. Without that one tag no category specific questions display. * Add a category specific question as high as you can in the category structure. As a category question automatically appears in subcategories to the category you attach them to go as high in the category structure as you can to add it. If you have an vehicles category with cars and motorcycles within it add any category specific questions that apply to both cars and motorcycles to the vehicles category. Then you add questions that only apply to cars or motorcycles to the cars or motorcycles categories. * You can control the display order of questions across parent and subcategories. If you use the vehicles/cars/motorcycles analogy again the display order you set for questions attached to the vehicles category are used when a listing is placed in the cars or motorcycles category. You could have question 1 attached to vehicles display order 5 and have question 2 attached to cars with display order 3 and question 2 would appear above question 1 when a listing is placed in the cars category. * You can set an explanation that will cause a "question tip" link to appear next to that field in the place a listing process. When the seller clicks the tooltip a popup appears with your explanation * Category specific questions are not listing specific type. If you allow both auctions and classified ads in your site you may consider limiting a specific category to a specific listing type if that category contains questions that only apply to an auction or a classified ad