====== RSS Feed ====== This feature allows you to export listings in an xml rss feed for inclusion in other sites. Highlights of the RSS feed are: * Choose the criteria to include listings in the RSS feed (for example include only featured listings) * choose the number of listings that can be included in each feed * Create as many different RSS feeds as you need so that you can customize a feed to the ultimate user of that feed. * The default rss_listings.php feed that comes with the software by default displays the 20 newest listings. ====== Where do you manage the RSS feed feature? ====== There is no specific admin tool for this feature within the Geo admin tool. You manage all RSS feeds through configuration files in the file system. Below is a description of how that works in more detail. You can find the RSS feed in your software, named **rss_listings.php**. You can find that file in the "root" directory of your Geo installation. That's in the same directory where your config.php file for the software is also. If you do not make any changes at all to the file, by default it will show 20 of the most recently placed listings(classifieds & auctions). With a few configuration changes, you can make it show however many listings(classifieds & auctions) as you want, filtered by whatever criteria you wish. A common configuration is to have a feed show only the listings from whichever category is currently being browsed. Example directions for setting that up are [[startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:exporting_listings:rss_feed:category_specific_example|here]] If you are not familiar with what RSS is, you can find information on [[http://www.w3schools.com/rss/rss_intro.asp|this RSS Introduction]] from w3schools.com, an excellent resource. Note that the rss link within the front_page.tpl template of the default design does not link to this feature by default. They link to the support wiki for setting up this feature when installed. If you do not wish to use this feature you'll need to edit the front_page.tpl template to remove that link. If you wish to use that feature you'll need to edit the rss link in the front_page.tpl template to point to the rss feed you want.