====== Managing Category Icons Pre v7.4====== You have the ability to display an icon next to each category within any category navigation you display on your site. When your software is installed we by default have category icons attached to the top level categories. We place these category icons within your custom template set here: /external/images/categories You can find the files themselves there within the following admin tool: DESIGN > MANAGER Within that admin tool you can upload new category icon images or delete the ones already there. The /external/images/categories directory of your custom template set is where we would suggest you put any category icons you wish to use. You can use the upload feature of the DESIGN > MANAGER tool to get new images into that directory or remove ones currently there. There is no tool within the software to manipulate the image file itself. Here is a screenshot of the DESIGN > MANAGER admin tool when you are looking at the above directory in your custom template set: {{:startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:category_setup:category_icon_manager.png}} Within the above screeenshot you'll see: - The list of current category icons that come with the default template design - the upload button that would allow you to upload more category icons of your creation to that same directory - the path to that directory within your custom template set. Note our template set's name is "my_templates_7_3_1" but yours is most likely different. When creating a custom template set in the admin tool the default custom template name is "my_templates" so that may be what yours is if you simply used the default. Note that the screenshot shows the DESIGN > MANAGER admin tool in advanced mode. If your DESIGN > MANAGER is in standard mode you would not see the template name in the template directory path. To edit a specific category's icon you would go to the following admin tool: CATEGORIES > CATEGORY SETUP > [EDIT] (next to the category to manage the category icon for) > Category Icon URL Within that setting you would set the url of the category icon you wish to use for that category. Below is a screenshot of that admin tool setting: {{:startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:category_setup:category_icon_admin.png}} You'll notice that your template set is assumed as well as the /external directory within that. Though you can insert and reference category icons anywhere within the /external directory of your template set we suggest that you place them where we placed the default category icons here: /external/images/categories/ for organizational purposes. If you wish **remove the use of a category image on a specific category** you only need to empty the value within the above admin tool setting. If there is no url inserted no category image will be expected/used by the software. You must do that for each category a category icon image is set and you do not wish one used. As long as there is a category icon set within the above setting for a specific category that icon will display within any {body_html} category navigation. If you change to use a category navigation module to display category navigation each of those category navigation modules have their own control to display category icons within them or not. Attached below is a closer screenshot of that admin tool setting: {{:startup_tutorial_and_checklist:feature_configuration:category_setup:category_icon_admin2.png}} Within that screenshot you'll set the full path to the category icon you wish to use for the current category edited. That combined with the tools/screenshots above should allow you to upload and set any category icon you wish for any category you want to set it for. You can always address these category icons directly within your browser. For the above considering the software is installed at the root of example.com and a custom template set of /my_templates the url to the image in the screenshot would be: http://www.example.com/geo_templates/my_templates/external/images/categories/for_sale.jpg Assuming the above you could directly see that image using that url. You can verify the image is there using that and also see the size it will display in. We suggest doing to verify you uploaded an image where you expected to upload it. If the path to the image is set incorrectly in the "Category Icon URL" setting that will show a broken image within the browser. Note that you can set the same category icon for any/all categories if you like. There are no "image width/height" adjustments for those icons within the above admin tool. The software will use those images "as is" so make sure your images are the size you want them to appear within the browser before you upload them to your site. ====== About the Icons We Include with the Default Design ====== We only include icons for the default design that work well with the default design. We do not have any more icons than are supplied within the default design. You can easily see them within a screenshot above. If you decide you want to use different icons/images than the ones supplied you will need to seek them from outside sources. If you decide you want to use the "same category icon design" that we have included within the we cannot provide any more. Those were created custom by an external developer and we do not have the orignal files to build from. Note there are numerous external sources for icon files. Just google them and you can find more than you need.