====== Tokens Addon ====== A token is something that users in the system can use to cover the cost of listing placement or renewal within the system. Highlights of the Tokens Addon: * Allows clients to purchase tokens in bulk * configuration of token purchase options are on a price plan by price plan basis * users in different user groups can see different token purchase options at different prices * only useful for fee based pricing as that's the only pricing that can have a listing placement/renewal fee * If there is no fee to place a listing or renew a listing tokens would not be useful * tokens can be given to new registrants * tokens can be issued by the admin to individual users within the admin tool. ====== Where do you manage tokens in the admin tool? ====== To use this feature you must first install and enable the tokens addon within the following admin tool: ADDONS > MANAGE ADDONS Once that is done you can then add token purchase options here within the price plan admin tool: PRICING > [EDIT] Next to fee based price plan > COST SPECIFICS > TOKENS PURCHASE (price plan item) For more on that process see the page specifically for that process You can also give free tokens at registration to users who register into a fee based price plan here in the admin tool: USERS / USER GROUPS > USER GROUPS HOME > [EDIT] (next to fee based user group) > Starting Tokens Issued USERS / USER GROUPS > USER GROUPS HOME > [EDIT] (next to fee based user group) > Expire Starting Tokens Those settings will determine the number of tokens issued to new registrants into that user group as well as the time from registration they'll have access to those tokens.