====== Client Side Storefront Purchase Steps ====== - Log in as the user. - Go to My Account page. - If the Storefront is properly configured in the admin, "Storefront Subscription" should be a purchasable item, underneath "New Auction" and/or "New Classified." - Purchase a Storefront Subscription. * If no subscription period choices appear, they are probably not attached to the price plan. Be sure you have completed steps 3-5 in the "admin" instructions, above. - Once the subscription has been paid for and the order approved, go back to the My Account page. * Tip: Check [[admin_menu/orders/manage_orders/start|Orders > Manage Orders]] to make sure the order containing the subscription purchase is not pending, and check [[admin_menu/orders/manage_items/start|Orders > Manage Items]] for the pending subscription item if you have elected to make storefront subscription require admin approval. - This time, links will appear to "my storefront" and the "storefront control panel." This user now has an active storefront subscription that may be edited via the control panel. - Once the client is finished setting up their storefront they'll need to "turn on" their storefront for others to see it. - Once their storefront is active it will appear in the store's list client side tool