===== How Individual CSS Changes Are Made===== To change the css for any specific html element you will need to look for that specific html within the html source view of your browser. Then look to the css ("id=...", "class=..." or type in the css file) tags you find manipulating that css. Then look for that css tag within the css documents attached to that page. Whichever css file you have in use within your design it can be edited within the DESIGN > MANAGER admin tool to edit that css file. Depending on the default design you are using depends on the css file/files you will be editing. Any css control you see within the html source generated by Geo classified ad and auction program can be changed through the css file referencing that css tag within it. You can also edit that css file in a couple ways mentioned here. The page template/sub template elements of the site are controlled within an external css document. If you use the default design one of the files you will find most of the css referenced within the system will be one of a couple file options depending on the default design you use. For pre v7.3 RWD designs you will manage your custom css within the following css files: /geo_templates/[your template set]/external/css/theme_styles.css /geo_templates/[your template set]/external/css/primary_theme_styles.css /geo_templates/[your template set]/external/css/secondary_theme_styles.css The theme_styles.css file above would include the system default css unless used in a v7.3 and up installation at which point the default template set default.css file is included. v7.3 default designs and up allow you to edit the default css through the following css file: /geo_templates/[your template set]/external/css/custom.css While the default.css file of the default template set is included any css in the custom.css of your active template set will override that. **Never make changes directly to the default template sets default.css file**. All files/templates within the /geo_templates/default/ directory are overwritten with every update. If you wish to make changes to your css you will need to make those changes in your template set and not the /default template set or you will have to keep making those same changes after every update. Also note that as long as the default template set remains free of changes it can always remain as a reference and starting point you can always go back to if your changes go the wrong way. More information on creating your own template set within the system is explained in the [[tutorials/design_adv/start|classified and auction software advanced template management set tutorial]]. From v7.3 default designs onward your css customizations will always take place in the custom.css file of your custom template set. So if you find you have a v7.3 and up default design you can always get your site "back to scratch css" by emptying your custom.css file and saving your changes. At that point the css in the default.css file will only be used. Another technique to keep yourself on track is the ability to turn off your current working template set leaving the default template set in use. If you feel your css changes may have affected base functionality in a page you can always go to the DESIGN > TEMPATE SETS admin tool and make you custom template set inactive. Then with only the default template set active you would test the functionality in question. If the feature doesn't work with your css/template changes look to correct your custom css/templates. =====I Can't Find the CSS I Am Looking for?===== In looking at the css attributes that affect a specific bit of html you could come across something like the following as an attribute: "row_even featured_2_row_even" This is a css feature where two css complementary classes can be used to modify a specific element in the design. You can research this around the Internet if you wish to learn more. We have made sure to include at least one of the classes within the default designs css document. You will find one of the above two in the default css document but not the other. We have added the second in case you as the designer wish to add more css control to that specific element not included in the first css element. If you do you will need to add that reference to the css document and add any configurations you want to it. In the above example note that we may include something like: featured_2_row_even but you may not be able to find it within the css documents anywhere. Again in this instance we are relying on the default page wide css controls to control the given html element but know that some developers more pinpoint control is needed. If you want that pinpoint control you can add **featured_2_row_even** to your css document and add styling controls to it. The more immediate css you attach will then affect the html that tag controls.