====== Category View Browsing Sub Templates ====== Within the category browse feature you have up to 3 options for the format you view listings in. They are grid, list and gallery. You can see the buttons to change between those views within the following screenshot: {{ :startup_tutorial_and_checklist:design_configuration:design_tools:design_page_attachment:browsing_view_sub_templates1.png?800 }} And note you can control which of those are options and which is default within your admin tool in the following locations: SITE SETUP > BROWSING SETTINGS > Display browse view links SITE SETUP > BROWSING SETTINGS > Default Browse View You can set a specific "body template" for each format here in the admin tool: DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENT > 3_grid - Browse Categories Grid Sub-Template DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENT > 3_list - Browse Categories List Sub-Template DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENT > 3_gallery - Browse Categories Gallery Sub-Template