====== 2) Do Not Use Admin User As Client Side User ====== If you as the site owner want to manage your own listings on the site do not use the admin user to do so. While the admin has many special features on the client side listing management isn't one of them. We purposefully put the features to manage the admin account within the Geo admin tool to protect the admin account. And in doing so other features of a normal registered user on the client side are simply not there for the admin user. The client side **my information page** is blank if you try to access that page while logged in as the admin user. This information is managed in the following admin tool within the Geo admin tool: ADMIN TOOLS & SETTINGS > ADMIN PASSWORD Because the admin user doesn't see the the client side **my information page** they cannot apply admin account settings to currently live listings. They also cannot control which information is displayed on their **my other listings** page. Also when managing listings on the client side all emails to that account would go into the same email as client inquiries to the admin user possibly confusing the admin. Also linking to the "contact seller" page of a listing placed using the admin user could throw an error as the admin user data is incomplete. Price plan and user group assignment does not happen for the admin user and cannot be managed at any time. It's user group and price plan is always the default user group and price plan when installed and cannot be changed. Because of this fixed configuration some clients who have used this account to place listings may see drastic changes to or a complete lack of ability to place listings if something should happen to these price plans or user groups. There are actually so many differences between the normal user and the admin the above are just some of the problems. We suggest you don't go down that rabbit hole. We've never fully investigated where it goes. The above are enough to warrant against doing it. If you want your user to be called "admin" there no reason you can't do that. Just change the login on your admin user and register a "admin" user. Note this does not mean you can't use the admin user on the client side as the admin as there are listing edit/delete features that really help with managing your site. Just don't use it like a normal registered user on the client side