====== View Ad [S] ====== This page displays information about a particular listing. ===== Order Items affecting Listing ===== This section shows all of the [[admin_menu/orders/manage_items/start|Order Items]] that affect the listing currently being viewed. It can be thought of as the listing's //history//. If you wish, you can click on any of the order items listed, to view more details of that order item. You can even activate or deactivate most of the order items, and the changes that the order item does to the listing, will be applied or un-applied to the listing. **Warning:** If you see an order item that is listed as "incomplete", that order item is most likely part of an "ongoing" user's cart. Because of this, when you click on the item to view the details, it will only have limited information about the item, and you will not be able to change any of the item's details such as the status. The same applies for any items that are "in" an order that is not active, to be able to edit an item's status it must be inside an active order. This can be useful information, for instance if a user reports that they edit a listing and it did not take effect, if you see a "listing edit" that is "incomplete" on this page, that means they never clicked the "finish edit" button. ==== How changes affect the listing ==== If you change the original order item's status to //declined// or //pending// (referred to as //non-active// status), it will make the listing no longer live if the listing is currently live. If you delete the //original// order item, the listing itself will also be deleted((This applies to the original order item, the one that the system has set as the first order item for the listing, it will be the first order item that is listed when you view the details of a listing in the admin panel.)). If you change a listing edit status to non-active((Either //declined// or //pending//)), or delete a listing edit order item, the changes will be un-done like the edit never took place((As long as the "original order item" is still intact and has not been "removed" as part of the "expire old orders/items" routine)). The difference between deleting a listing edit (or any order item) and just changing the status to //declined// is that if you delete the order item, it completely removes it from the system so you will have no record of it happening at all. We recommend to decline rather than delete an order item, in order to preserve the full "history" of a listing for later reference if needed. The exception to all this, is images. If an image is deleted from a listing, it is physically deleted right away as soon as the user clicks on the delete button for that image. If you later make a listing edit "pending" where a user deleted an image, the image will not come back since it has been deleted from the server.