====== Page Details [S] ====== ==== Admin Note ==== The //admin note// is a tool to help you keep track of your pages or modules. The note will **only be viewable in the admin panel**. This note is for your benefit only, it serves no purpose on the //client side//. ==== Template(s) Used to Build this Page ==== The templates listed here are the ones //attached// to the current page. You can change what template is attached by clicking on the **edit** button to the side of the template(s). ==== Text Fields Appearing on this Page ==== Each page and module can have its own //text// that is used when displaying the (!MAINBODY!) or the contents of the module. To edit this text, click the **edit** button for the language you want to edit. ==== CSS Fonts for Text Fields Appearing on this Page ===== This is for the styles and fonts used for the (!MAINBODY!) or the contents of the module. Click **edit** to view and change the fonts. ===== Modules Attached to this Page ===== {{ :admin_menu:pages_management:pages_home:page_details:attached_modules.png |Attached Modules}} These are the different modules that are attached to the page. When you add a //module tag// to a template, it should automatically attach that module to the page. If a module is not displaying, check this view to make sure it is attached properly, and if not, attach the file by clicking on the **add** button. If you are no longer using a module on a page (or never were), click on the **remove** button to un-attach the module. You will want to avoid having a lot of un-used modules attached to a page, as it can slow down the page loading time. ====== Specific Pages ====== This section will have instructions specific for certain pages. If you do not see a page listed here, follow the general instructions above. * [[admin_menu/pages_management/browsing_listings/search_search_results/start]]