====== Newest Listings Page ====== This page's functionality acts just like the **Browse Categories** page but only shows the newest classifieds and/or auctions. If you link directly into this page all **newest listings** will display meaning all listings placed within the week. This page will have default category navigation provided by the {body_html} tag. There is no way to replace that category navigation with that from a category navigation module. This category navigation is specialized to this feature and so can't be replaced. Also at the top of this page a **back to normal browsing button** is provided so the client can link back to //normal// category browsing. The **back to normal browsing** button also notes the current category browsed and links into that category within the normal category browsing feature. So if your client is browsing auctions or classifieds in the //Automobile// category within the **newest listings** feature and they click the **back to normal browsing** button they will automatically link into the //Automobile// category of the **Browse Categories** page browsing feature. There is no way to display any featured listings module within the browsing results. You could display a featured module somewhere else in that same page but those results would NOT display category specific featured auctions or classifieds based on the category browsed in this feature. Any featured listings displayed in a featured listing module would be site wide. The url for this feature if you want to link into it from somewhere is below assuming your **lead file** is the default index.php: index.php?a=11 Or if you want to link directly into a specific category you can use the following where "XXX" is the category id of the category to be linked into. The category id for any category is the number in parentheses next to that category name in the **CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES SETUP** admin tool: index.php?a=11&b=XXX ===== Newest Listings Link Modules ===== This feature also has 4 modules that link directly into it. You can find more about them by going here in the admin tool: [[admin_menu:page_modules:browsing:link_modules:start|PAGE MODULES > BROWSING > LINK MODULES > LINK TO NEWEST IN LAST ***]]