====== Listing Display Page ====== This page is where the details of an auction or classified are displayed when the browsing client clicks an individual listing link within any module, category browsing page, search results page or uses any direct link to a listing on your site. This video tutorial should provide a start: To find all the details of this page in the admin tool go here: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DISPLAY PAGE To see the **site default page template and listing details templates (classified details and/or auction details) attached** to the page go here: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DISPLAY PAGE > TEMPLATE ATTACHMENTS You are not able to edit the actual page templates and/or listing details templates within this admin tool page. But this page does tell you which templates are actually used at the site default level. If you want to **edit the page templates or listing details templates attached** to this page click the **edit attachments** button next to the one you wish to change. That will lead to the following admin tool: DESIGN > PAGE ATTACHMENTS with that specific page open and ready for you to edit the template attached. If you want to edit the actual page or listing details templates themselves you can look to see which one you are using on this page and then go to the following admin tool and edit that template: DESIGN > MANAGER Also note at the bottom of this admin tool page are all the available data placement tags usable within the listing details template and whether they are currently in use within the assigned auction details and/or classified details template. And to **edit text** that appears on this page (text not entered directly into the details template above) go here: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DISPLAY PAGE > [EDIT TEXT] There will be a button for each language you have setup within your installation. You can also set **category specific page templates and listing details templates (classified details and/or auction details)** within the categories admin tool here: CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES SETUP > [EDIT] (button next to category you want to configure) > [TEMPLATES] (button to see the list of templates assigned for that category) ===== Auction and/or Classified details templates ===== This page on the client side is comprised of two (possibly 3 within the ClassAuctions Edition) templates. The page template that surrounds the {body_html} content and the listing detail template that includes all of the formatting for how the details of a listing is displayed. On this page in the admin tool you will find two (or three with Classuction edition) templates assigned. One for the surrounding page template and one for the listing details template (classified details and/or auction details). If you have a classified ad software edition you will see the current site wide default the classified ad details template used by the software on this client side page and a link to change the template attached if you need. If you have an auction software edition you will see a button to set the auction details template. If you have the ClassAuction edition of our software you will see both details template used and the buttons to change which template is attached for each. If you have our Enterprise edition you also have the ability to set this template(s) on a site wide/default basis on this page as well as the ability to set this template(s) on a category by category basis within the categories setup admin tool. You can make those category specific template assignments here in the admin tool: CATEGORIES > CATEGORIES SETUP > [EDIT] (button next to category you want to configure) > [TEMPLATES] (button to see the list of templates assigned for that category) ===== Auction and/or Classified Value Placement Tags and Tag Notification Tool ===== Within the listing details template (auction and classified) the system uses individual field tags to place the individual seller's listing values and labels for those values within the formatting html of the template. The full list of tags that can be used within the auction and/or classified details template to place the listing values and their labels is at the bottom of this admin tool page. This list includes all tags for links within that page like the **contact seller**, **sellers other listings**, **tell a friend**,...etc. This list contains all field value and field label tags like the **address fields** (label and data), **description** (label and value), **site wide optional fields** (labels and values),...etc. There are also auction specific functionality tags to **place the bid**, **current bid**, **reserve met label**,....etc. Within this list you will see one column for classifieds and/or one column for auctions depending on the edition of our software that you have. The classified column will let you know which of the placement tags are **found** or **not found** within the site default classified details template set on this page. The auction column will let you know which of the placement tags are **found** or **not found** within the site default auction details template set on this page. There is also a column that will tell you if a placement tag is attached to the page template attached to this page. If you put a placement tag within the page template assigned to this page and that page template is used on other pages in the system you will only see data replacing that placement tag when used on the listing details page. These placement tags will simply be removed from the page template without data in its place when this template is used on another page in the system. Any tags within the listing details template that are well-formed yet misspelled within the listing details template will not place any data within the listing details template and will automatically be removed from the listing details template before it is displayed on the client side. If you have tags within the listing details template for fields that are turned off within the admin tool will be ignored and removed before the page is displayed on the client side. ===== Multiple Language Functionality Within the Listing Details Page ===== The listing details template itself is NOT language specific so will be no listing details template for each language like there is for page templates. Any language specific functionality within the listing details page will happen within the listing placement tags. Any "label" functionality will have different text for each language used on the site. The system will NOT automatically "translate" user entered listing data to the languages you use on the site. The listing data will always display in the language the seller inserted that data but the client browsing the site will see the "labels" for that data in the language they chose to see the site in. ===== Placing tags in the Listing Details Template ===== The listing details template allows you to customize your classified ad details or auction listing details page to suit your needs and/or design. If you wish to completely change the look of the classified ad or auction details template simply change the html within that specific details template. If you wish to remove a bit of information from the details template all you need do is find the value placement tags and the value placement label for the field(s) you wish to remove within the placement tags list, edit the listing details template and remove those tags from that template. Most tags usable within the system are within the default details templates. If a tag is placed but that field is turned off within the admin tool that tag will simply be removed from display within the template on the client side. But note for pinpoint control of the design we suggest removing any unused tags and the html that formats there placement from within the listing details template. But will still not display if left. If you wish to add information to the classified ad or auction details page you only need to find the requisite value and/or label placement tags within the placement tags list, edit the appropriate details template and insert those placement tags within the html of that details template where you want them to appear. It is important to use the placement tags to place data within this template. You can certainly remove a "label" tag for a piece of data but then you would need to return to the listing details template itself to change that text but more importantly you would lose multiple language functionality. There is only one listing details template within the site (but can be set on a category by category basis in the Enterprise edition) that is used for all languages. The multiple language functionality within this template is within the text you use through these placement tags. Also note that the tags used in the listing details template can ONLY be used in the listing details template. Tags used only in this template cannot be placed on another template within the system to place individual listing data. ===== Seller Registration Data Display in Listing Details Page ===== The registration data of the seller can be displayed directly within the listing details template if you wish. This data has no "label" for each bit of registration information that can be displayed. None of these tags come within the default design in use within the default listing details template. You will need to place them within the listing details template yourself to use them. These registration data tags are listed towards the bottom of the full list of placement tags available found in the full list of available tags to display data within the listing details template on the template choice page of the listing details page. All of these tag types start with "SELLER" in the tag itself. ===== Auction Specific Functionality Tags ===== If you have an edition of our software that includes auction functionality you will see a section of tags among the other placement tags. These placement tags will only have an effect in an auction details template and if used within a classified details template will be replaced within the classified details template with no effect.