====== Browsing Filters ====== Browsing filters allow your visitors the ability to interact with your site by essentially filtering out the listing results they see on your site. For instance, the default display of listings(classifieds & auctions) on the front page and individual category pages, is to display "all" applicable listings(classifieds & auctions) based upon the page that the visitor is viewing. However, you can offer visitors the ability to "screen out" the listings(classifieds & auctions) based upon their chosen Zip (or Postal) Code and/or a State (or Province). Filters appear in a dropdown box format and when a filter is applied by the visitor, the screen will refresh with only the listings(classifieds & auctions) that still apply for that chosen filter. ===== Browsing Zip Filter ===== This module allows your visitors to set a site-wide browsing filter which automatically screens and displays only category browsing results based upon the "Zip Code" and "Distance" radius chosen by the visitor. Only qualifying listings(classifieds & auctions) for each category will be displayed. This filter will remain in affect for that user until they select the "clear" button for that filter. Note that the Browsing Zip Filter works on the Address Zip/Postal code field and NOT the Mapping Zip/Postal field when filtering listings(classifieds & auctions). Please note that the client browsing the categories has to enter a valid postal code currently within the database to get any results. Thus if a client is using a brand new postal code you may need to update the postal code database to include the newest postal codes. Also the seller must enter a valid postal code within their listings(classifieds & auctions) so that their listing will appear in the category browsing results when a client is browsing categories with the postal code filter in use. The use of the Browsing Zip Filter requires that you have purchased the ZipSearch Module from Geodesic Solutions.This is because the filter depends upon the Zip Codes table (which comes only with the ZipSearch Module) to be installed within your database. Contact Geodesic's Sales Team for more information concerning this module. ====Additional Configuration Needed==== Note that after the database data for this filter/addon has been imported into the database you will need to place the {module tag='module_zip_filter_1'} within your html design so that you can filter listings(classifieds & auctions) across your whole site. Simply installing, enabling and importing this addon does not make the filtering ability for your site automatically appear. This module is most useful in the category browsing pages so it is suggested that you place the above tag within your design on that page where you want that form to appear. When you enter a zip and distance using this module's form the script will submit your choice to the same page you are on except that the page refreshes with the filter specifications in effect. So if you placed on the home page submitting the form will refresh the home page with the filter specifications applied to any modules on that page. Without placing the {module tag='module_zip_filter_1'} tag within your design this filter will automatically appear in the advanced search form. So "out of the box" this filter can filter advanced search results. Having those results across your whole site requires placement of the filter in your site design somewhere. Category counts of all category navigation is affected by this module. The category counts you see with any postal specifications in effect are reflective of those specifications. ===== Browsing State Filter ===== This module allows your visitors to set a site-wide browsing filter which automatically screens and displays only listings(classifieds & auctions) matching the "state" that you choose within this module while browsing categories. Only qualifying listings(classifieds & auctions) for each category will be displayed. The state filter choice will remain in affect for that user until they select a new State or choose the "All States" from the dropdown. This filter module displays the current list of "states" within the system as they are setup within the GEOGRAPHIC SETUP admin tool. Any states setup within that admin tool appear as values in the dropdown this module creates. Once a selection is made within this dropdown that value is saved within a cookie attached to that users browser and will affect all category browsing including any modules appearing as that client browses the site. This filter can be very useful if you are considering creating categories for each state/province within your country specific site. Having so many categories can become a daunting admin management task in the long run. If you used this feature in conjuntion with just a basic category system you could cut your category administration effort to 1/50th (for example in the US) of what they would have been if you had placed states as categories. ===== Category Browsing Options ===== This module allows your visitors to sort (display) listings(classifieds & auctions) based upon the following criteria: * All listings(classifieds & auctions) * Listings ending within 24 hours * Listings with Photos * Classifieds Only * Auctions Only * Auctions using Buy Now * Auctions using Buy Now Only * Auctions with Bids * Auctions without Bids