====== Vote / Comment System ====== This feature is only available classified listings. ===== Description ===== This feature allows users the ability to vote for/against/neutral about the contents of a specific classified listing. The client can also leave a small message that will be displayed next to their vote on this listing. These votes will stay for the life of the classified listing and will be perpetual with every renewal of the classified listing. The votes and comments are displayed on a separate page from the listing details. To use this feature you only need to place the tags listed below within the listing details template and the software will automatically place the links to vote and another link to view all votes/comments on that listing. If you attempt to use the vote/comment system within an auction the votes/comments will disappear when the auction is renewed as auction renewal creates a new auction from the old auction. ===== Vote/Comment Feature Implementation ===== The voting/comment system is used through the listing detail template on the listing details page. The links to place a comment/vote on an ad or to view the votes/comments of an ad are done through links within the listing detail page. The links to these features are placed within the listing detail template using tags. The tags to place within the listing detail template to place the links are: {listing tag='vote_on_ad_link'} - displays the "vote on this ad" link to allow the current client to vote on that listing {listing tag='show_ad_vote_comments_link'} - displays a link to "view all the comments" about this listing {listing tag='voteSummary_votes'} - displays the number of votes in the leading vote category for this listing {listing tag='voteSummary_total'} - displays the total number of votes in all vote categories for this listing {listing tag='voteSummary_percent'} - displays the number of votes in the leading vote category expressed as a percentage of the total number of votes {listing tag='voteSummary_text'} - displays the text used on the show votes page to describe the leading vote category The full list of tags that can be placed in the listing detail template can be found within the following admin tool page: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DETAIL PAGE (scroll to bottom of page) Within the list of tags the script will also report whether the tag is within the listing detail template by the "found/not found" message next to each tag. Once the tags are within the listing detail template the links to place a vote/comment and to view all of the current votes/comments on the currently viewed listing. Every listing using that template will have those tags. Once the tags are placed you can then configure the vote/comment feature here within the admin tool: LISTING SETUP > GENERAL SETTINGS ===== Vote/Comment Feature Administration ===== ==== how voting system is used for classified ads ==== This setting determines how you use the listings voting system. The voting system allows the user to place a recommend,ok,not recommend vote on an individual listing. The value you choose within this setting will determine how and if a user can place a vote on the viewed listing. The choices are: 1 - Allows each unique IP to vote once on each listing. 2 - Allows each registered user to place a vote on each listing. 3 - Allows each registered user and unique IP to place a vote on each listing. Each vote must come with a rating, title and comment before it is logged. The comments can then be viewed by accessing a link on the listing display page (You must login to cast a vote) ==== number of vote comments to display on a page ==== This allows you to set the number of comments/votes that will be displayed on a single page while browsing. If there are more comments/votes than this setting those extra votes/comments will be displayed on a page by page basis and can be reached by the pagination links at the bottom of the vote/comment list.