{{indexmenu_n>20}} ====== Edit Feedback Increments ====== ====Icon / URL==== You have the ability to implement up to 10 rating levels. Each level can have its own icon associated with it. The default GeoProduct has colored 'stars' associated with each level. So, when a user's rating falls into a particular level, the icon (star) associated with that level displays next to their name on the Listing Display Page. You can implement your own 'icons' by entering the URL for your icons into the provided text area. Make sure you enter the url of the icon so that it can display on the client side of the site not just the admin side. We suggest using a relative url like: images/feedback/star_ltblue2.gif where the icon would be in the "images/feedback/" directory/folder of the website. Leaving the slash off the front of the url makes sure the browser proceeds from the root domain of the site making the icon viewable in the admin and on the client side. These icons will only appear in the auction details template you have set to display auction details. This template is set on this page of the admin tool: PAGES MANAGEMENT > BROWSING LISTINGS > LISTING DISPLAY PAGE > [EDIT] (TEMPLATE) and placed where the **(!SELLER_RATING!)** tag is placed in the auction details template. Do not forget the icon for users with no feedback score yet as every user starts out this way. Also make sure to fill in the icon for users whose only feedback every received was negative. Both are at the bottom of this page. ====Minimum / Maximum Score==== Each level allows you to establish the minimum and maximum score that a user needs to have in order to qualify for that level. Simply set up your increments so that they increase from one level to the next. Ensure that each level's values do not overlap the next level's values. Please put these in numerical order from lowest value to highest for optimal performance. When you reach the last level that you want to use, instead of specifying a 'max value', instead click the "and up" checkbox. You do not need to use all ten icon "levels". On your last level just make sure to use the "and up" checkbox so the script will not look for more feedback brackets after that one. **NOTE:** To delete or not use a level, simply leave all fields corresponding to it blank and the previous bracket used the "and up" checkbox.