{{indexmenu_n>50}} ====== Messaging ====== Admin Menu Category: **Admin Tools & Settings > Messaging** Send email messages to your registered users with this admin tool. You will have the ability to create and send from a list of form messages that you have previously set up, or simply create a new message to send right away to all users or groups of users. The admin messaging uses a [[admin_menu/site_setup/cron_jobs/start|cron job]] to send the e-mails to recipients. The cron job is run automatically as part of the [[admin_menu/site_setup/cron_jobs/start#cron_settings|heartbeat]]. By default it sends 50 e-mails every 10 minutes, a frequency that is currently "hard coded" in a PHP file within the Geo system files. If your host has max email sending limits lower than that, there is a way to change the frequency but it involves making a change to a PHP file. If you are comfortable with doing that send a request to support for more. Note that you can manually force one group of these emails to be sent without a "cron routine tripping them" by click the following link in your admin tool: SITE SETUP > CRON JOBS > process_email_queue > [Test Run]